Final Showdown (21)

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(I hope you guys are ready for the emotional roller coaster! You deserve this)

Draco couldn't think straight. The only sentence that made sense in his whirring brain was actually quite simple.

Protect Harry.
Harry's thoughts were crashing down on him as he raced with Draco in tow, towards the commotion. A sentence that ringed clearly in his mind only had two words.

Protect Draco.
Lucius Malfoy's thoughts were simple too.

Kill them both.
There was a battlefield, filled with Death Eaters and classmates.

Ron and Hermione were standing back to back, shooting deadly spells at anyone who came close. All the while, they held hands tightly, moving in absolute synchronization. Ron had pure protection in his eyes, and Hermione had bravery.

Fred and Melody fought as well, and everytime a spell came within arm distance of Fred, Melody would shout and fiercely shoot hexes one after another. They both had snide remarks and offhand sarcastic comments that they spoke softly to each other. You could see their silent laughter and whispers of love.

Harry's eyes darted around the battlefield when he heard a sharp, high pitched cackle.

"WEASLEY IS MINE~" Bellatrix's shrill voice could be heard practically everywhere, and Harry absentmindedly went for his wand.

"Go, love."

Harry's head whipped around to face Draco, and their eyes locked. There was a brief flashback of the Second Wizarding War, when Harry had to save Draco from dying.


"Go." Draco urged. "I'll be fine. I promise, I love you." He whispered, pecking his lips before throwing himself into the battle.

Harry's heart lurched, but he obeyed with a passion, racing into battle and shooting spells left and right.

There was a strangled scream, and Harry feared the worst, running over to the commotion. When he arrived, he sucked in a sharp breath.

Fred was on the ground, knocked backwards from what seems to be Bellatrix, because she was giggling madly, like this was just a game and nothing really mattered. Harry could hear Fred groaning as he attempted to get back up again, a bloody, cracked smile on his face. There was blood all over him, and yet he still, shakily, got up. Sometimes Harry feared that boy.

Harry shot a few hexes behind him, hiding away just in case he was needed. What happened next shouldn't have surprised him.

Let's just sum up what Harry was thinking in as few syllables as possible.

Don't get Melody angry.

That seems about right.

And it should be, because Melody started blasting all kinds of nasty spells and hexes towards Fred's attacker, all the while backing up to stand in front of Fred so he could regain his strength.

Harry tore his gaze away from the alarming battle and Bellatrix's fearful shouts, and began helping his other classmates who looked like they were in trouble. All while looking for Draco as well.
It should be easy to guess where Draco went.

"Boy! I was wondering when you'd show your nasty face to me."

"Hello father."

His voice was monotone, compared to Lucius's mad, enraged speak. A perfect representation of the both of them.

Draco's hand gripped his wand tightly, pointing it at his 'father'. There was a brief run down of spells he could use against this man.

Avada Kerdavra. But he wasn't that mean.

Crucio. He'd have to mean it. He can't do that.

Expelliarmus. Simple. Might knock him out.


Draco could use that spell, to be honest. Make Lucius forget all about this, and they could start a new life. But Draco didn't want that. His new life was with Harry.

He settled for Expelliarmus.

They began a father-son duel, although one was aiming to kill and one was aiming to distract.

"Expelliarmus!" Draco shouted, and it successfully made Lucius even more agitated, however thankfully blowing him backwards quite a respectable distance.

There was a cold look in the others eyes. The wand lifted, and the two words were on the edge of his lips.

And for once in Draco's whole entire life, he was ready for the consequence of standing up in front of his father.
There was a scream. A loud, pained scream that got cut off rather quickly, and Harry's eyes widened. He began sprinting over to the noise, almost running into Luna.

"Draco is battling his father, Harry. I believe he needs you." She spoke in her normal, floaty voice before shrieking out a spell, hitting a Death Eater behind her.

"Thanks Luna." Harry nodded, and he ran there as fast as he could.
Is this what dying feels like? No. Can't be. It's not...painful.
Harry arrived just in time to see one of the most horrific scenes in history of Harry James Potter's life.

Draco looked over and locked eyes with Harry. Silently, he mouthed the words 'Always.'

"AVADA KERDAVRA!" Screamed Lucius, and Harry watched as Draco's body moved in a graceful arc before hitting the floor.

"NO!" Harry shouted, drawing attention to him. He didn't mind though, and began shooting deadly curses at Lucius Malfoy.
The battlefield was alit with colour, and the Death Eater numbers slowly dwindled.

"CRUCIO!" Harry shouted again, aiming it straight at Lucius's chest. Unfortunately, he put up a shield and it merely bounced off.

Scowling, Harry began to duel fiercely.

Lucius Malfoy was smirking, and Harry was having none of it.


Lucius got flown backwards, and Harry could hear the small crack of a body hitting a wall. Lucius wasn't dead. Merely knocked out, however.

Harry was breathing heavily from the amount of activity he had to accomplish in order to both attack and not get killed. His mind flashed to an image of Draco, and he couldn't make himself turn around to face the dead body.

Suddenly, there was a hand on his shoulder. It was large and cold and soothing.

"It'll be alright, Harry."

No it won't! Draco is gone.

He must have said it out loud, because the hand gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

"I'm absolutely sure he's not dead, Harry."


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