Smiles and Scars -Part 2 (19)

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Draco frowned, nibbling on his bottom lip as they climbed out of the compartment.

"Somethings wrong." He declared, however under his breath. Harry noticed, of course, and tightened his grip on Draco's hand.

"It'll be alright, love. I promise." Harry whispered, and although that didn't comfort him the least, Draco had nodded.

He believed Harry, he always did. But, he couldn't help thinking that something was different, and that someone or something wasn't to happy about him returning to Hogwarts. Shrugging it off because he could see the worry in his boyfriends eyes, he pecked Harry's cheek.

"That's better." Harry teased him, and Draco rolled his eyes, holding Harry closer to his side with a content smile on his face.

"Merlin 'Mione! I don't think I'll get used to this." Ron complained, and Hermione giggled softly. Harry and Draco both turned around, raising an eyebrow at Ronald.

"You should." They answered at the same time, giving Ron a fright.

"You're just as scary as Fred and George, mate. Bloody hell." Ron spoke under his breath as they walked towards the Great Hall.
Slight Time Skip - Writers Block
"Harry, mate, stop staring." Ron scolded him once more. "People are getting suspicious. It's a wonder how they actually haven't found out completely yet. With you all gaping at Draco like that." Ron huffed, taking another spoonful of mashed potatoes.

"You're whipped, Harry." Hermione spoke like reciting it from a book, but her lips curved upwards in a small smirk.

"Yeah, yeah I know." Harry rolled his eyes at his best mates, looking back up at his boyfriend, who was at the Slytherin table. He sighed, watching him laugh and smile with his friends...until a girl approached him.

"Hey Harry..." Astoria Greengrass smiled, and Harry grew confused. She was a Slytherin stuck to tradition. Why was she at the Gryffindor table?

"Greengrass." His reasons to be polite overtook his reasons to ignore her, and decided that he could at least acknowledge the 7th year girl.

A year younger than him, Astoria wasn't what Harry would call pretty. She had long blonde hair, and deep green eyes that popped out from her pale-ish skin. As Harry's eyes flickered over her face, he decided that she definitely had to much makeup. Plus, she's been the girlfriend of nearly every boy in school, presumably sleeping with the boy and breaking up the next day.

"Well Harry...I've been positively dying to ask you out since you left that Weasley, so...." She batted her eyelashes at him and leant forward, wrapping her arms around Harry's neck. Something clicked in Harry's mind. Veela. That's how she's gotten most of the boys.
*Few moments before*
"I missed you guys!" Draco chirped as he began to eat the food on his plate.

"Oh please don't hug me Draco!" Blaise teased, and Draco laughed, lighthearted to be with his friends.

"Except you. Pansy's my favourite." Draco rolled his eyes at Blaise's dismayed expression, and felt Pansy hook her arm around his shoulders.

"Have I ever told you what great taste you have?" Pansy questioned, and Draco tried to stifle a grin, being unsuccessful of course.

"Oi, Draco mate, isn't that Greengrass?" Draco looked to where Blaise was pointing, quietly thinking to himself that he sounded so much like Ron just then. When he saw who Blaise was asking about, he nodded.

"Yeah, but why......does that wretch have her arms around my Harry?" A wave of jealousy crashed into Draco's ribcage, and Draco would've doubled over if it wasn't for wanting to concentrate on Harry.

"Go on. We won't stop you. Although you'd have to explain yourself." Blaise and Pansy spoke at once, however through clenched teeth as they were ticked off by Astoria as well. They may not exactly be on friendly terms with Draco's new boyfriend, but they liked seeing Draco happy.

Draco nodded, standing up abruptly and marching straight over to the Gryffindor table. People ignored this, for it was quite common for Draco Malfoy to walk and torment (some would call in flirting with) Harry Potter.

What they didn't expect, however, was the fact that he grabbed Astoria by the wrist and pulling her back (careful not to hurt her, of course. Draco's nicer than that. Surprisingly.) and grabbing Harry's chin, tilting his head up to kiss him.

What surprised them even more, causing a few girls from different houses fall off their bench in shock or complete and utter joy, was that Harry James Potter didn't pull away or push him when Draco Lucius Malfoy kissed him, he kissed back and pulled him closer.
Harry wrapped his arms around Draco's waist, forcing him to sit down on the empty spot on the bench before they pulled away from each other.

"Pity. I was getting into that. Continue later?" Draco spoke casually, raising an eyebrow at Harry, who was blushing bright pink.

"In your dreams." Harry scoffed, smiling at his boyfriend.

"They are." Draco whispered, kissing Harry's neck.

Harry blushed a hot pink, and then proceeded to flush a dark brick red when he realized that whole Great Hall was quiet in utter shock. Two seconds later, the hall exploded with noise.

"I knew it!"

"Pay up. 2 Galleons."

"No way."


"I ship it."

The last one startled Harry into confusion, wondering what exactly they meant by it. Eventually the teachers had to quiet their students uproar, and it took McGonagall, Flitwick, and Slughorn in order to calm everyone back to their usual chatter.

Harry looked at Draco in disbelief, both marvelling and being slightly turned on by his actions.

"Oi, don't look at me like that. I was just making sure she didn't kiss you." Draco offered, and Harry just laughed.

"Nono I'm proud of you." Harry grinned at him, and Draco smiled back just as brightly.
Well, I finally updated! Sorry guys, I was attempting to do the whole chapter, but it just way to long. I'll be making a part three though, and who knows........

Maybe Draco's dreams will become a reality???????????? *nudge nudge wink wink*

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