The Christmas Ball(12)

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Melody smiled, turning around to her way-to-excitable boyfriend.

"Fred! C'mon, we have to tell them!" They were searching for Harry and Draco (or at least, she was) to tell them what Hermione had told them before. That there was a Christmas Ball coming up in a few days. She had nearly toppled out of her chair when she had the brilliant idea that this ball would bring the two boys together (wink,wink).

"I'm coming, love!" He exclaimed, giddy. He was excruciatingly happy about many things. Mostly dealing with Harry and Draco getting shoved together until they kiss. Or shag. Whichever comes last.

"There they are!" She chirped, dragging Fred over to the two (hopefully to-be) lovebirds chatting under a tree.

Before she reached them, she had a full 5 minute fangirling episode over how adorable they looked.

"Harry! Draco!" She called, practically teleporting to them, making Harry shriek and jump into Draco's lap. ......Oops? Haha, nope.

"I just wanted to tell you that there's a Christmas Ball coming up in a few days. Might as well get your dates." She spoke with a wink, beaming when they looked at each other and went bright red.

"T-Thanks Mel." Harry replied, nodding her way, and she politely responded to him before skipping away with a poor boyfriend in tow.

"Melody!!! Wait up!! C'mon!"
"So......" Draco trailed off, purring in Harry's ear making him shiver.

"Will you be my date to the dance?" Draco asked innocently, but the question had a certain way to it, sounding like Harry had no choice.

"Oh, I don't know..... I was thinking about asking Seamus..." Harry teased, and Draco faked a frown. "I'll go with you, Drake." He mused, kissing his cheek.

"Oh, by the way, what was that nightmare you had last night? I was worried."

Draco's face went slack, and he looked at Harry with pain. "It....." He trailed off, not really knowing how to start it.

He then began to tell Harry about the flashbacks, leaving out the parts where Lucius abused him. What would Harry think of him if he knew? He didn't want to find out.

"Oh, I know how you feel." Harry leaned back once he finished explaining about the war flashback. "I get those too, but not as much anymore."

Draco nods, slightly more relaxed than before. The nightmares are quite constant, but he had stopped fainting for a few weeks now. McGonagall still requires them to stay in the room together, to 'sort out issues' that they might have. They didn't object to that though, they were quite elated when she brought up the news.
"Oh, Harry, we'll be late!" Draco spoke suddenly, jumping up to his feet. Harry frowned.

"For what exactly?" He turned his head. "Oh look, there's Ron and Hermione!" He looked back at Draco.

"Merlins beard, you have the attention span of a goldfish. This is the exact reason why you weren't in Ravenclaw. McGonagall wanted to speak to us!"


"Wow, so much emotion." Draco quipped, and Harry grinned, rolling his eyes. Harry (much to Draco's annoyment) got up slowly and then frowned.

"Could Ron and 'Mione come with us?"

"I think we might break Weasley, but alright." Harry smiled, shaking his head and called his two best friends over.

"Professor McGonagall wanted to speak to Draco and I, and I was wondered if you two wanted to come?"

"Oh, of course Harry!" Hermione chirped, and then gave him a quick hug. He could almost feel the jealousy radiating off of Draco in waves.

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