Reunite (Part 2) (24)

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They were at the infirmary with Madam Pomfrey performing examinations on George. He had recently fallen asleep, although his breathing was unbalanced and ragged.

"Um, Madam Pomfrey, how is he?" Fred asked, standing by the side of the bed. The woman sighed, smiling warmly at him.

"He's in a coma, which is understandable. Although he should be waking up within a few days, the most a week." She hummed, and Fred thanked her before she went to take care of another student.

Fred had debated on bringing Ron and Ginny to tell them the news, but knowing them Rom would freak and Ginny would be sad for a week or so.

Fred sat in silence for a while before hearing the clicks of heels, and he turned around thinking it was McGonagall.

Instead, he saw Melody and a Hufflepuff girl, and his smile slightly brightened.

"Hey Mel." He grinned, as she sat on his lap (he didn't remember sitting down). He wrapped his arms around her waist to prevent her from falling, and he kissed her cheek as he looked at his twin.

"Hey Fred. You don't mind me bringing Dan do you?" She asked, gesturing towards the Hufflepuff who was standing to the side awkwardly.

She had a hipster-style pixie cut that was a dirty blonde, and was wearing a large black sweater and sweatpants. The sweatpants and the word 'Hufflepuff' on them in yellow block letters. She also had dark emerald green eyes with specks of silver. Fred vaguely remembered George talking about someone like her in second year.

"No, I don't mind." As soon as he said that, Dan practically bounded over to the other side of the infirmary bed.

"What happened to him?" Dan asked curiously, and she seemed to be analyzing George's features.

"Four stunning spells straight to the chest. According to Madam Pomfrey, he could have been seriously injured if I didn't find him in time." Fred's voice was slightly weak when he finished the sentence, and Dan smiled at him sympathetically.

"It's a good thing you did then." She patted a reassuring hand on his shoulder, and Fred smiled as she started, with great enthusiasm, talking to George about what's been going on so far and how many people have been healed.
Time Skip. You guys thought I was going to kill off George? I'm not that cruel! There's no way any of the twins will be damaged in this story.
It had been three days since the battle. Everyone was settling down and getting ready for exams to start up, and getting back into the flow of school.

Dan came to visit the infirmary often, and talked to both George and Fred whenever possible. She said that Fred needed the company, and she was friends with George and couldn't wait for his recovery.

It was when Dan confessed something that a miracle happened.

"So, you like him." Fred stated bluntly, raising an eyebrow and leaning back in his chair. Dan flushed a nice pink.

"I...well I.....uh yeah. Yeah I do. A lot." She smiled, her eyes glancing over George's sleeping face.

She came to terms with this the moment Madam Pomfrey said that there was a 20% chance of him gaining temporary amnesia. She absolutely flipped, and Fred had watched in both shock and amusement.

"Well, I'm going to be the the big protective brother slash twin here and say I approve. But if you break his heart I won't take it lightly." Fred warned, although it was light-hearted.

"Got it chief." She did a mini salute. "By the way, how are you and Melody?" Apparently, Melody and Dan were sisters, even though they looked nothing alike. "I heard you two have been dating since your 6th year."

Fred nodded. "It's been three years now and I'm thinking of popping a certain question." He spoke vaguely, but Dan grinned as bright as the sun.

Just as Dan was about to reply, there was a uncomfortable grunt. Both heads whipped around to face the sleeping Gryffindor, only to see an eye slowly open.

"Oh my god GEORGE!!" Both cried, and Fred flung his arms around his younger twins waist, and Dan wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Heh. Couldn't live without me, hey guys?" He teased, and Fred chuckled.

"You know it."

Dan was blushing slightly, and she pulled away when George looked at her. However, when he had went to sit up, she was by his side in an instant, helping him.
One more part of this chapter and I'll go back to the Drarry action! I'm not to sure, but I think this book is coming to a close....

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