I must not tell lies(6)

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"Are you alright, Harry?" Hermione asked, frowning. "You seem out of it."

"Yeah, mate." Ron chipped in. "What's up?"

Should I tell them? He thought. They are my friends...

"I have to stick to...Malfoy...like glue. He hit his head and now I have to take care of him incase he faints." He finished, thinking he summed up the incident quite well. The reactions he got weren't expected.

"Oh?" Hermione's voice was laced with concern. "How did he faint?"

Ron was just gaping at Harry. If circumstances were different, he would've laughed.

"He got a pretty vivid flashback." Harry tried to explain it, but to no avail. "I don't know what the flashback was about."

Hermione looked worried for both Harry and Draco, so that was the good part of the reaction. Ron was different.

"YOU and MALFOY?!" He almost roared. "Doesn't McGonagall know you two would KILL each other?"

Harry bit his bottom lip, contemplating whether or not he should tell them about the truce.

"Harry, you should ask Malfoy for a truce." Hermione wondered aloud, and Harry's eyes widened.

"WHAT." Ron yelled, bewildered. "But- but- he's a Malfoy!"

"Exactly Ronald. We should forgive him so we don't have to hear Harry yapping about him every.single.day."
Hermione shot back, looking pleased with herself. Harry's face was burning a bright fiery red.

"About that..." Harry trailed off, and their attention was once again trained on him. "I already made a truce. So did Fred and Melody."

Hermione smiled.

"I'm NOT making a truce with that...that...that... FERRET!" Ron practically bellowed.

"Ronald!" Hermione scolded. She turned back to Harry. "I'll have to think about it, Harry."

Harry grinned sheepishly at her. Hermione always forgave people.
Ron on the other hand-

"I won't." Ron interrupted his thoughts with a sharp retort and a scowl.

"You already made that point Ronald." Hermione rolled her eyes, annoyed.
"You have Potter following you around because you fainted?" A disbelieving Blaise chirped at Draco.

Draco had just finished explaining the incident, and both of his friends were crazy happy.

"Oh, Draco, this is perfect!" Pansy gushed, and a groan came from both boys. "You could totally ask him out!"

An involuntary girly shriek erupted from Draco's mouth, and his face turned a nice bright pink.

The two Slytherins were in complete stitches from Draco's little outburst, and Draco tried to glare at them. This failed miserably, as a smile forced itself onto his face.

"I don't like him!" Draco protested weakly, slumping against a chair.

"Draco, repeat this. I must not tell lies." Pansy and Blaise ordered, and Draco sighed, defeated.

"I must not tell lies."


"I must not tell lies."

"Do you like Potter?" Pansy.


"You must not tell such lies!" Blaise.


"Do you like POTTER." Pansy.


"Draco...!" Both.

"...yes." He murmured quietly.

"What was that?" Ugh, he thought.

"Yes. I like Potter." Draco finally admitted, Blaise and Pansy giving a sigh of relief.
Finally, she thought, looking at Draco.

She had always known Draco liked Potter from the day he first met him in the robe shop. She could remember his outburst just like it was yesterday.
"Pansy, Pansy, Pansy!!!" An overly excited Draco screamed at the top of his lungs.

"What is it?" An annoyed Pansy retorted, sighing.

"I met Harry Potter!" Pansy cried out in disbelief and sarcasm, gaping at Draco.

"Draco, you did?!"

"Pansy he was amazing! I wish I could be his friend, oh Pansy! I will ask him to be his friend at Hogwarts! It's brilliant! I can't wait to be his friend! He seems so nice and amazing and beautiful and happy! Pansy, oh Pansy, I think he's perfect!" Draco finished with a grand smile perched on his lips.

Pansy rolled her eyes and sighed. Oh sweet Merlin, if they get together... She thought.
>Flashback Ended<
Pansy grinned at the memory. And get together they shall.

My Feelings Are Real (BoyxBoy)(Drarry)COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now