Reunite (Part 3) (25)

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"I hate you George! You had me worried, you ass!" Shrieked Dan, and George chuckled, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Love ya too Dan." He smirked jokingly, rolling his eyes. She blushed, and Fred laughed.

Soooo in love with each other.

"Well, I have to be going....I promised I'd meet Melody soon." He gave a little curtsy before running off, and the two remaining people shook their heads in amusement.

"How do you put up with him?" Dan asked, and George shrugged.

"How'd you put up with Melody?" He countered, and Dan huffed.

"True enough." Both laughed softly, although George's was slightly pained for more obvious reasons.

"Hey uh...did you stay here while I was, well, passed out?" George asked all of a sudden, a few minutes after a comfortable silence settled overtop of the two.

"Well that's blunt." Dan huffed, crossing her arms and sticking her bottom lip out. George laughed again, and Dan's lips twitched upwards.

"I noticed. Did you?" He asked again, and Dan looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah. Wanted to make sure you were okay. Didn't want another almost dead Weasley twin now did we. Honestly, do you two have a death wish? I wouldn't be surprised, I mean that's part of the reason I like you. Always dangerous and up to the challenge. Which is also pretty damn stupid, mind you." Dan began to rant, only stopping when George put a hand to her mouth.

"Rewind about two sentences and repeat that please?" George asked, and he sounded bewildered. Dan thought for a movement before flushing a colour that would have Godric Gryffindor jealous.

"Umm.... 'Do you two have a death wish'?" She asked, tilting her head.

"After that."

"Dangerous and up to the challenge?"

"Before that."

"........I like you.......?"

George grinned at Dan, and a feeling stirred up in her gut. Smiling could mean two things; pity or agreement.

Then again oh my god okay she could live with this.

"Now that doesn't sound very assured does it." George teased, and Dan only blushed, smirking mischievously.

"Oh shut up and kiss me again, you weirdo."
OH GODS he was totally ready and were going to do this. The plan was all thought out. And hopefully, it would go perfectly.

Melody had called him out to venture to the Quidditch field where they had both met for the first time as a romantic date area. But what she didn't know is that there was a little box in his robe picket that would help move things along. (Tiny Box Tim anyone?)

He got there rather quickly, and Melody was already sitting down in the middle of the playing field. He went and sat down beside her.

Sooner than later, the conversation drifted along without any hints of what was to come or any awkward pauses. If there was one, either or both of them would turn it into a funny situation.

"Ah Melody?" He asked, and Melody tilted her head to the side.

"Yes, Fred?" She asked, her voice laced with care and worry.

"Can I say something?" There was a bit of a stutter and a pause in his voice, but Melody nodded in content and he took a deep breath. He stood up, and Melody looked up at him.

He was going to do this. Breathe in, breathe out.

"I notice the little things about you. How you can't fall asleep without a cup of tea, and how you an spring to life in a heartbeat. I notice how your eyes sparkle and your voice overcomes in joy when you talk about things you like. I notice that you take things into consideration before you say them because you don't like blindly throwing things into perspective." He paused for a second to look into her eyes.

"I also notice how you describe things with such vigour and beauty, even a leaf on the ground could turn into something poetic. And you know what else I noticed? You've done that to everything and everyone but yourself. And I'll make a promise that one day you'll do that." Melody was blushing now, and grinning happily.

"But here's the thing. If we're just boyfriend and girlfriend, I can't promise that." He took her hand, helping her stand up. She had a confused look on her face.

"So can I stop being your boyfriend...." He trailed off at her dismayed face, her hand still in his he knelt on one knee and took out the box.

"And be your husband instead?" He asked, opening the silk box with a click. Melody's hands flew to her mouth, and tears were trickling down her cheeks.

"Yesyesyesyesyes!" She cried out, wrapping her arms around her fiancé and kissing him.

If anyone saw Fred right now, they would have noticed he was crying happily.

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