Too Quiet(17)

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=Christmas Day, Melody POV=
Melody woke up to the soft new-fallen snow on the windowsill, and a rat nest of hair on her head. She groaned, stuffing her head back into the pillow. She definitely did not want to get out of bed today.

"Mellll....." Fred whispered in her ear, softly shaking her shoulders. She smiled.

"Whaaaat....." She said sleepily, turning to face Fred. He was up and already dressed, sitting in the edge of her bed.

"Time to get up." He laughed, and Melody sighed.

"I don't wanna." Although she sat up, blowing some hair out of her eyes.

"It's Christmas." Fred bargained, and Melody beamed, and began to tame her crazy hair.

"Why didn't you say so? Let's go!" She chirped, kissing his nose. They both laughed.
The next person to get up was Hermione. She didn't even bother to brush her hair.

"....Ron." She mused, shaking her boyfriend's shoulders. He didn't wake, obviously.

"Ron wake up!" She kissed his cheek, and his eyes fluttered open.

"Ughhhhh." Ron commented, and Hermione smiled, shaking her head.

"Ron, Ron it's Christmas. Wake up!"

"Alright, alright I'm coming." Ron promised, groggily sitting up. Hermione smiled, kissing his cheek.
The next people didn't even bother with the romantics.

"Get up, you twat." Draco quipped, pulling off the warm blanket. Harry yelped.

"Oi! I was sleeping!" He quipped, trying to snatch the blanket back.

"Key word was." Draco shot back with a smirk. Harry chuckled.

"Alright, you win. Git." Harry attempted, and Draco rolled his eyes.

"Finally. It's Christmas too." He informed Harry, and he groaned.

Harry sat up, and began to try and tame his hair. Draco kissed his cheek.

"You'll never make that work."

"Oh thanks. Love you too."
Once they all came down, they sat down for a Christmas breakfast. There was bacon, eggs, sausages and pancakes with maple syrup. Quite quickly, the aura turned from sleepy to excited.

"Thank you." They chorused to Mrs. Weasley, and eventually glided to the living room, with the big Christmas tree and presents piled everywhere.

One by one, they began to open them. George got a Weasley sweater and various candies or ideas of the joke shop. Fred got the same, along with a handmade picture from Melody of the two of them. Fred was overjoyed.

Ron got a Weasley sweater, along with an assortment of Quiddtich supplies and a signed picture of Viktor Krum from Hermione, which he loved. Hermione got a bundle of books she's always wanted, a Weasley sweater and a Quidditch kit from Ron.

Harry got a couple of sweets, and candies from the joke shop (which he decided not to eat) and some Quidditch supplies along with a Weasley sweater. Draco would give him his present afterwards. Draco got a Weasley sweater, some candies and an approval from Mr. and Mrs. Weasley about his and Harry's relationship. Plus a guitar, which he adored.

"Could I give you my present now?" Draco asked Harry kindly, and Harry nodded.

"Close your eyes." Draco commanded, and Harry laughed, but obeyed.

Draco took the carefully wrapped present out of his pocket, and put it in Harry's eager hands.

Harry opened his eye to see a small present with gold wrapping and a emerald green bow. He smiled, carefully opening the wrapping to reveal a necklace.

It had a gold and silver chain, with a brilliant emerald snake intertwined with a sparkling ruby lion. On the back of the snake it said 'Always' and on the lion it said 'Forever'. Harry gasped.

"Draco....!" He almost shouted. Draco looked at him, a bit nervous.

"Do you like it?"

"Like it, I love it!" Harry grinned, wrapping his arms around the relieved, and startled blonde.

"I'm...glad." Draco responded, hugging back.

Right now, everything is completely perfect. Draco thought. So what bad thing will happen next?
Right at the very moment the Gryffindors and the Slytherin were celebrating a very special day, Lucius Malfoy was ready to tear his hair out.

"Bellatrix, quit it." He scowled at her, and she frowned, crossing her arms like a five year old would.

"I don't see why we can't have a" She grinned maliciously, gesturing to a few 5th years that were strolling past them.

"We wait for Draco and Draco only." He ordered, and Bellatrix scowled, letting out a unamused growl.

"Honestly, Lucius. It's boring just sitting here." She commented, letting out a huff and leaning against a tree.

"I'm letting you have the Weasley's twins, am I not?"

"I want Potter."

"I don't CARE who you get. I want Draco."

"You said that about sixteen times the past 10 minutes."

"I have not said that I want Draco that many times. But I do."


"Shut it."

"Make me."

"Yuck, no."

"Dirty minded bastard."

"I'll ignore that."
One thing for sure, Lucius Malfoy wished he didn't save the woman when he had the chance to.
A/N: Oh My Bloody Hell. I just updated!!!!!! Look at that!!!!!!!! I'm back from the dead!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!

Comment for ideas/tips/opinions. I'm slowly getting out of the writers block!!!!!!!

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