Recovery (22)

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Harry didn't look the person in the eye, he didn't even bother to turn around.

Draco was dead. Harry saw the green bolt of magic, he heard the unforgivable being spoken. What else of evidence could another need to prove their point? Sure Harry wanted it to be true. He wanted Draco to be beside him right now, whispering comforting words into his ear.

But he wasn't.

"Oh? He's just magically alive isn't he. Cause that's how it is in the wizarding world isn't it. " Harry snapped, and the man behind him chuckled.

How dare he chuckle. The love of Harry's life just died like that!

There was a pause, and an intake of breath.

"Or my father could have missed. Terrible aim you know."

Harry whipped around at the 'my father' and practically leapt into Draco's arms, kissing every possible inch of the Slytherins face.

"I thought you were dead you bastard I hate you!" He exclaimed. The only thing Harry could focus on was Draco. And he was alive. Not dead. Alive.

"I hate you too." Draco smirked, holding Harry close. They were only briefly aware when the Ministry of Magic came to take Lucius away.


"The spell hit the rocks, causing me to fall, Harry. Only thing my dad did was injure his pride and my ankle. It's slightly twisted."

"Excuse me, are you Draco Malfoy?" A worker asked rather sharply, looking strangely at Harry and Draco's embrace.

They pulled away, big blushing a nice pink.

"Yes, I am." Draco spoke with an air of authority, and Harry was surprised how quickly he can change moods.

"Are you aware that you could press charges against your father for assault?" The worker supplied, and Draco raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, I am."

"If you'd like to-"


The worker made an 'are you serious' face, frowning.

"Are you also aware he could pay for his crimes against you? Surely we could hand it over to the board to discuss the issue." He attempted to reason, and Draco still shook his head.

"I'm not a monster. I know of the consequences if I press charges. I'd rather him just stay in Azkaban until he dies."

The worker looked disappointed, but scurried away.

Draco and Harry returned to the main battlefield, finding Ron easily.

"Is anyone hurt?"

"Dean is deaf now I believe, there was a magic bomb that went off right beside him. Still unsure to be honest, keeps trying to tell Seamus he's fine. Fred has a bit of a migraine from hitting the ground so much, and Luna has a few scratches." Ron sounded worried, and before Harry was going to reply with a 'that's good', Draco spoke up.

"Alright what's the problem." Draco almost-snapped, but it sounded kinder than actually needed. Ron hesitated, but eventually confessed.

"It's.....George. We can't find him anywhere and Fred is having a meltdown. He doesn't want to lose his twin, and keeps muttering about 'so that's what it feels like'. I'm worried too, and so is everyone else but I know that George is going to be okay." Ron explained, kicking at the dirt.

"Okay well where have you searched and who's taking care of Fred?" Draco asked.

"We've checked the castle and its grounds, and Melody, Ginny-" Harry winced. "-Blaise and Pansy are all trying to get him to calm down as well as fix up everyone's injuries."

Draco nodded in understanding. "Have you checked the Forbidden Forest?"


"Well I heard a duel over there so that could be where George is. Harry and I will go check-"

"Could you bring Fred?"


"Bring Fred. If you find George, he'll might be able to calm down. It's hit him hard, he thinks George is dead." Ron's voice audibly shook when he mentioned death.

"Sure thing. Harry, can you go get Fred? I'll start walking to the Forbidden Forest." Draco offered, and Harry nodded.

"Sure thing!" He ran off, both going separate directions.
What's gonna happen next???? What'll happen to George???? Stick around and I'll be updating this chapter for you to find out!!!
"George!" Harry called out, cupping his hands around his mouth to amplify his voice.

"WEASLEY!" Draco shouted, his hand interlocking with Harry's as they dragged each other around the forest.

Fred, whom Harry thought would be the loudest, was completely silent. It frightened Harry, the loss of words coming from the twin.

His hands were stuffed in his robe pockets, his face watching his shoes and his expression downcast. Harry was positive that if Fred looked up, there'd either be horror, pain, or anger in his eyes.

They were quite a ways away from the entrance of the Forbidden Forest when they heard footsteps. Although these were heavy, and more animal-like.

"Who goes there?" A booming voice shouted, and a centaur stepped elegantly out of the clearing.

"My name is Chiron and you are trespassing, Mr.Potter, Malfoy, and Weasley. I would not like to start a war, not after Death Eaters invaded the Forest."

Harry bowed deeply, before looking into the centaurs eyes.

"We're looking for George Weasley, and then we will be on our way. Have you seen him?" He asked politely, and Chiron paused for a moment.

"The stars and I have both seen him. When he passed me, he was looking for his twin." He answered, gesturing to the left.

Harry thanked the centaur, and pulled both Fred and Draco towards the direction Chiron pointed.

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