Reunite (23)

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There was noise in the Forbidden Forest, a sound that could only be recognized as fear. There was heavy, stumbling footsteps that crunched the dry leaves, and a ragged, desperate breath coming from a slightly opened mouth. This person got hit by four stunning spells at once, and was finding it hard to breathe. It was almost like a panic attack was settling in, a feeling this man knew to well.

And although there were perhaps no one around for hours, or maybe he didn't hear the shouting, because a noise thrummed in his voice box, and the sound that came out was dry, quiet, and nervous. But never less, he wanted to be heard.

Now, Fred Weasley wasn't a type to listen closely. He often zoned out in class and zoned in just as the bell rang. He often tuned out or distracted himself when his mother was lecturing him. But if anyone knew Fred Weasley, they'd know that he'd drop everything for his twin.

Fred's head snapped up upon hearing his name, although it was quiet and small like a gentle breeze. He barely noticed Draco and Harry looking at him strangely when he bolted to the side in the opposite direction they were originally going.


"Weasley this is not the time!"

The two boys voices faded away quickly as Fred ran his way towards the voice. Occasionally he'd slow down before he could stumble or fall to the ground, or even twist his ankle.

"GEORGE!" His voice hollered out, echoing as it seemed to bounce of the trees. His voice was full of hope, something dangerous to have because you could easily get disappointed.
The boys ears picked up his name being called, and he turned around, hearing the snapping of branches coming closer with every second.

A dry cough escaped his throat, and he breathed in another shaky breath.
Fred wasn't about to give up, when he didn't hear a response. Weasley's never never never give up, and that was a promise he made when he and George were both 4 years old.

Fred stopped for a moment, because to be honest he was slightly tired, and his eyes darted around the black and green forest to find a hint of anything ginger.

C'mon you're not leaving me yet Georgie, Fred thought, chewing on the inside of his cheek. He heard a noise almost directly in front of him, and his heart picked up speed.

"George????" He sounded bewildered, steeping closer every .2 seconds. He was nearing the clearing at the edge of the Forbidden Forest when he heard something.

"I-" The voice coughed again, his voice strained. "-solemnly swear I'm- ack- up to no good."

If one was to look at Fred's expression, they'd say it looked as if he was viewing a long-lost friend.

"Mischief managed." Fred cried out, holding his brother close to him. George looked frightened as his chest rose and fell rather rapidly.

"Four stunning spells Fred...." George mumbled, almost acting like a child the way he buried himself into Fred's embrace. He sounded scared, and Fred sighed.

"I know I know. You'll be okay." Fred whispered quietly, scooping George up bridal style because it honestly looked as if he was going to faint right then and there.

"You'll promise that, won't you?" George asked, and Fred smiled as he walked onwards the shouts of Draco and Harry.

"Course I will. You know me."
Alright guys! I'm still not done the chapter yet, but I'm posting this as it is now. You guys like it? Im debating on the George situation right now, but I won't tell you about what. You'll have to guess and give me your opinion!

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