The Room(7)

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"...So you understand, boys?" McGonagall asked, and the two boys nodded.

They were supposed to sleep in the Room of Requirement, thinking about 'Slytherindor' and the room would appear. No one was allowed to see the room or where it was besides those two. A portrait of Dumbledore was placed, and the password was 'Hippogriff.'

"Alright, you may go to your common room to get settled." Headmistress McGonagall spoke, and the two boys hurried out the door.

"Minerva?" A voice spoke up, and McGonagall snapped her head up.

"Severus? Malfoy and Potter will be fine."

"No, no. Not that." The portrait said in disgust. "Him."

McGonagall raised a slender eyebrow. "He's locked up." She spoke sternly. She turned to her desk and began sorting out a few papers.

"Of course but-" A crash of books interrupted the professor. McGonagall was staring, horrified at a section on 'The Daily Prophet'.

"He has escaped. A feat only done by the infamous Sirius Black has been done once again."

"What happened, Minerva?" Spoke some concerned portraits.

"He escaped." She said simply, a certain kind of terror riding up her throat.

"Lucius Malfoy escaped Azkaban."
Slytherindor. Harry thought, and a door appeared in front of them.

"Let's go?" He turned his head to Draco, whom had been silent thought the whole thing.

Draco looked at him and nodded, but Harry could see the faintest speck of blush highlighting the Slytherins cheeks. He ignored it, of course.

They both walked in the door and looked around.

It was quite a big room, with a bedroom, a bathroom, a small kitchen, and a nice sized living room.

"I could live here." Draco joked, and Harry laughed, following him to check out this bedroom first.

The bedroom was perfect. There was a quite big, king sized bed, and instead of it being Slytherin or Gryffindor colours, it was a nice deep calm brown. There was two closets, one being a red and gold and one being a green and silver.

There was a bronze chandelier hanging from the ceiling, and there was a window seat, overlooking the Black Lake.

Harry and Draco's trunks were already at the foot of the bed.

Next, was the bathroom. There was two, thank Merlin, and they were both a nice cream colour. The kitchen was no different. A nice cream colour as well, it stood out quite nicely from the Slytherin and Gryffindor colours.

The living room was nice, a crackling fire with a nice brown table. The table had green and gold lining, a combination of the two houses. There was a couch, big enough to sit four people, and two chairs. The couch was red and silver, and each chair had the different house colours.

"Woah." They chorused at the same time, and then they both laughed.


"What's your favourite colour, Draco?" Harry had asked out of the blue. They had both been sitting in a comfortable silence, but Harry soon grew restless of the silence that dawned on him.

Draco scoffed. "Green, you?" Harry rolled his eyes dramatically. Slytherins he mused, with a smirk.

"Silver." He spoke casually, and Draco laughed. "Slytherin?"

"Actually..." Harry trailed off, and launched into the story of how this fateful Gryffindor hero would've been in Slytherin.
"No.Bloody.Way." Draco said in disbelief. "You're crazy!" Harry laughed and shook his head.

"It's the truth." So, Harry would've been in Slytherin! Draco could just think of how nicer the house would be with him in there. Not to mention, how much happier he'd be with Harry-wait what?! Awh, forget it. I don't care. Draco thought to himself, and another thought came to his head. He was going to tell Harry he was gay.

"Hey, ah, Harry?" Draco asked, making sure he didn't stutter. That would be embarrassing.

"Yeah, Draco?" Draco gulped, and reluctantly began to speak.

"I-I'm gay...I hope you're not..mad." Draco managed to get out, and his face burned a nice pink. He looked at Harry.

Harry looked like a lot of emotions at once. There was pride, happiness and...hope? Draco let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding.

"Congrats, Draco!" Harry beamed. "So....who's the lucky boy?" Harry questioned quite quickly.

Harry had been asking Draco if he had a girlfriend, and vice versa. Now that Draco told Harry he was gay, Draco thought that he'd be asking this question a lot more.

" one." Draco tried to put up a
mask, and failed miserably.
Harry grinned.

"Surely, the Slytherin Prince has a boyfriend, or at least...a crush."

Draco's face burned a hot pink and Harry laughed.

"I'm just teasing you, c'mon, it's late and we have class tomorrow." Harry suggested, relived when Draco got up and followed him to the room.
They were both laying down on the bed, and Harry could feel sleep gradually pulling at him.

"So...crush?" Harry asked sleepily, only half realizing what he said, and only half listening to the response.

As sleep tugged at him harder, he heard Draco begin to speak. Harry almost jolted awake at what Draco said, but convinced himself that he was just hearing things.

As he drifted off into a dreamless sleep, he thought about what Draco had....probably not

Ugh, terrible writers block, sorry. Any ideas for future updates?! Any suggestions are welcome!

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