Final Truce(2)

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Harry chuckled quietly, eyes still locked on the now embarrassed Draco Malfoy.

"Draco Malfoy, embarrassed. Never thought I'd see the day." Harry teased lightly. He didn't want to get on Malfoy's bad side again.

Ron and Hermione, as Harry noticed, left the two boys to their conversation.

"Harry Potter, nice to an ex- Death Eater Malfoy. Never thought it'd happen." Malfoy responded miserably. His head was still in his lap, but Harry could still see his eyes.

They were full of regret and unhappiness when the sentence was spoken, yet had a hidden happiness contained inside. That's when something clicked inside both of them.

Harry stuck his tongue out and playfully shoved Malfoy's shoulder, whom shoved him back. Quite quickly, an atmosphere of laughter emitted from both boys.

Once the laughter died down, they sat in comfortable silence until Malfoy popped a question.

"So, you don't mind me being an ex- Death Eater, Harry?"

"No, of course no- did you just call me Harry?"
Draco opened his mouth to deny it, but something told him not to. So he nodded.

"I guess so..." Draco trailed off. "Do you want me too?" He added quickly.

"Sure, don't want another fight this year. Truce then, Mal- Draco?"

Draco's heart seemed to speed up at Harry speaking his name so casually like that. When he told his heart not to do that, it only went faster.

"Tsk,Tsk." He clicked his tongue. "Let's do it my way." He offered, pleased when Harry nodded in agreement.

"I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." Draco stated, holding a hand out for him to shake.

"I'm Harry. Harry Potter." Harry smiled, and shook Draco's hand.

It may have taken Draco 8 years for his long awaited handshake, but...

It was worth it.
Harry became lost in Draco's eyes. They were a beautiful silver colour, with flecks of mercury. He didn't even realize that they had stopped, so when he did, he clambered off and dragged Draco with him.

His face burned in embarrassment and he let go of Draco's hand. Missing the warmth already.

It was good timing, however, for Ginny came into view.

You see, Harry liked Ginny. He really did. However, she had become distant from him, and refused to talk to him unless girls were around. It was quite confusing actually.
Harry was briefly talking to Susan Bones, whom he had ran into while shopping for better school robes.

"Harry!" A voice had called out, and as Harry turned towards the voice, he came face to face with Ginny Weasley.

Susan had left, after Ginny decided to have a full make out session with him, indicating that he was hers. Once she had pulled away, she death glared any girl who looked at Harry.

Harry had frowned at her as they walked into a store, but one thought seemed to stick inside Harry's head.

He hated her kisses.
>FlashBack ended<

Harry sighed as she approached him, and felt Draco move behind him so he couldn't be seen.

Harry expected her to attack his lips at full force, so what happened next completely startled him.

"Harry," She said quietly, "We need to talk."
Quick disclaimer. Sorry if I upset you Ginny fans, but she's going to be a bit rude in this fanfic, okay?
"Harry, listen. I know you've been cheating on me- Don't deny it." She frowned at him when he tried to interrupt.

"You've been distant lately, and never been returning my kisses. You've been avoiding me and staring off into space and-"

"Hold it Ginny!" Harry raised his voice, relived when she stopped talking, yet she looked quite angry.

"Break up with me if you're not happy." Harry managed to say as kindly as he could without snapping at her.

Her eyes widened. "Fine." She snapped at him, and before walking away, she full on slapped him across the face.

Harry didn't blame her though. Although, he couldn't help his eyes water slightly at the stinging pain on his cheek.
Draco was standing just behind Harry, so he could hear the hit Harry had faced. A small, barely audible gasp escaped his lips when Harry faced him, quite a big bruise already forming.

Harry's eyes were wide open, as if he didn't expect that to happen, and his mouth was shaped into a small 'o'.

He didn't know what to do, seeing the famous Harry Potter like that, so he did the next thought that came to his head.

He decided to hug him. Draco pulled Harry towards him and the boys head rested against his chest. Draco was relived when Harry, who had previously tensed up, relaxed into his embrace. That meant he was doing it right.

Harry smelt of Quidditch equipment, chocolate and parchment.

No, Draco thought, it couldn't be!

But it could...

Harry was the exact smell as the Amortentia potion from 6th year.

Does that mean... Draco thought.

I'm in love with Harry Potter?!

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