Chapter 7: Yes, it Warms Me

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Chapter 7


From the very first I laid my eyes on the girl named Amanda. I knew my life would change and I knew that I'll have a life with her. But I don't know how to start it. The very first time that we we're together o felt like I never wanna l be away from her side forever. From all that girls that I've been with, I don't know but she's different. She's someone I could take care and love forever, so fragile and needs to be protected. I loved her from moment I see her. I didn't know how to start it but now I'm talking to her father.

"Good Evening Mr. Williams, I'm Daniel Clarke. I'm here to see your daughter, Amanda" I said.

"I know. Come in." Mr. Williams said.

"I want to talk to you first before I call the ladies up stairs. Please, sit down."

"Thank you, sir"

"First things first. I want you to bring my daughter back before ten."

"Yes, sir"

"Another thing, if you're gonna date our daughter, please take care of her. If you ever may her cry, you're gonna be in big trouble young man. Don't let me see you hurting her without any explanation at all." Whoa this is a man to man and talk and it's with her father, I thought.

"I will take care of her, sir. I can make you sure, sir that she'll only cry because of happiness. And if I may hurt her one day, please do make her avoid me because I know I'm not worthy or deserving of something from her. If you would allow me, sir, I would like to ask your daughter out but I know we barely knew each other yet so I'm just gonna take it slowly and would like your approval, sir."

"If you listened and do that things that you should do or shouldn't then I would give you mu trust but once that trust is gone you never comeback and earn it once again."

"I agree on your terms, sir, and thank you"

"I'll call them now." He then stood up and an was walking upstairs. I sighed heavily as if my heart was stuck up in my throat then breathe some large amount of air but now I was choking and catching my breath. I inhaled and exhaled until I calmed myself. A few minutes later I heard someone walking down the stairs and was about to stand up and say something but I felt like my heart stopped from what I've seen. An Angel from the night sky that came down to earth and destined to be with me for eternity. An Angel that I would love and cherish for the rest of my life until our hearts stops beating and live for eternity. I was about say something but my mouth can't seem to follow my minds instructions. She's like the loveliest woman I've ever seen I was going to stand up.

"Is something wrong with me? Cause if there is, I'll have to excuse myself for a minute." She said. I don't really know what's better than having night with the girl I love. I feel like I'm the luckiest man in the world tonight.

"None at" I said and sighed heavily at the last word.

"What did you just say I looked like?"

"I said 'You look gorgeous'" I admitted but not like the first on, she's more than to what I just said.

" mom made me wear it." She chuckled.

"Shall we go?" I said, offering her my right arm.

"Daniel you really don't have to do this-"

"Just one night. I just want to feel how the knights felt when they do things like this." She giggled.

"Oh..come on.. stop joking around" She said but she still held my arm. I really do feel different when I'm with her. It feels like everything in my life has come at place to where it should be. I looked at her and never leaving her eyes until I got her in my car.i was now trembling and can't seem to focus.

Stop it DANIEL!!! You're gonna kill her if you don't focus on where you're going, I thought.

"Where are we going for tonight?" She asked, I guess just trying to break the silence.

"It would be a surprise."

"Daniel, you don't have to do all these things that you're doing to me now."

"But I want to. Please just for one night." She smiled and nodded.

"I'm so sorry you didn't get to go with your friends this afternoon just to prepare."

"It's okay." She smiled. I love it when she smiles. It makes me feel contented. A few minutes later we finally arrived at the restaurant. I saw a hint of smile in her face as we entered the restaurant. We walked towards a table and he let me sat first before him. The waiter approached us and gave us the menu.

"I'll have an Italian-"We said in unison.

"You first." I giggled.

"You like Italian too?" She chuckled.


"I'll have an Italian Lasagna, please"

"I'll have also have an Italian Spaghetti and please make it a bit spicy."

"I'll have mine a bit spicy too"

"Okay, Then. Two Spicy Italian Lasagna and Spaghetti, would you like some dessert, sir?" The waiter asked. Then I looked at her, maybe she wanted to order ahead. But her face tells me she'll have it later.

"I think we'll have that later" I said to the waiter.

"Okay, Then. Please wait for a few minutes and you dinner will be served in a little while." The waiter then walked toward the counter. I face her and was still captivated by her mesmerizing brown eyes that lights up even if it's now dark.

"We're you following my choice just a while ago?" I smiled and asked just trying to tease her.

"No, I thought their Italian foods are already spicy." She answered and looked at the beach outside.

"Do you wanna go outside?" I offered her.

"Is it okay with you?"

"Why wouldn't it be okay?" I chuckled and stood up to offer her my hand. "Come, on" And she held my hand as we went outside. The wind blew her smooth and fragrant hair. It smelled like something that can make you remind you of her. We we're looking at the wavy current of the ocean and the moon that lights up the whole world just as her eyes lights up mine.

"It's so beautiful." She said. I didn't even notice her cute little lips that makes you want to bite them anytime you want. But I know it's not time for that yet. Patience, Daniel, I thought.

"You are beautiful" I said.

"What? I'm sorry I can't here very well because of the noise" She said near my ear.

"Do you wanna go now? It's kind of cold outside" I looked at her and noticed she was wearing sleeveless. I removed my outer outfit and placed it around her.

"is it warm now?"

"Daniel, it's okay. We better get inside now" She said and smiled once again that made my heart beat so fast. Her smiled could be the best smiled ever. She has a unique smile that can make someone feel that he's one very lucky man. I was one lucky man here standing beside her. I wrapped my arms around her back so that I could give her some more warm. How I wish I could stop time and be like this forever. How I wish you'd say 'yes' and be mine for eternity.

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