Chapter 29

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Amanda Williams (Mandy)

Daniel Clarke

Elizabeth Porter (Lizzie)

Chase Miller

Spencer Morgan (Penny)

Liam Thompson

Rebecca Taylor (Becca)

Ryan Hunter

Brandon Tyler

Chapter 29


I've been getting more comfortable being with Daniel. His arm wrapped around my shoulder doesn't even bother me any more. Plus my parents are getting used to us being together all the time but for now i just see him as a friend. I'm not really into relationships yet but i know time will come where in i have to accept that Daniel has feelings for me, he said that one time when we were together and he expresses it to me but not in a way that he's pushing me to do things like other couples are doing but letting me know that i was special to him and he'll always be there for me. I may not have any experience of having a boyfriend yet but having a friend like Daniel. I felt like i never was uncomfortable being with boys around.


It was a five hour trip to Snowshoe where Daniels other house is located. I would have called it a rest house because when we got there it was so amazing that it made my eyes sparkle. Well, that's just my thinking thought. We hopped out of the truck, Daniel got out first and held my hand to support me in going down. Daniel and Liam got our stuffs out of the truck and got inside the house. The house was pretty big for three persons to live. It was a two-story house, the only thing that's separating the first floor to the second floor is a stair so from down you pretty much see the upper part of the house. There was a fireplace in the living room with big couches enough for everyone to sit on. I walked to look around the house and notice it has four bedrooms one of them is surely the masters bedroom since it got a huge door in it.

"Okay!" Daniel said with a sigh. "This bag is pretty loaded for just a week, Amanda."

"Yeah... This one too." Liam said as he place Spencer's bag down. "You girls surely have a lot of plans this week." He looked at us as we sat down on the couch.

"Uhmm...guys we kind of have only four rooms so were gonna need to pair up." Daniel said and looked at me. His looks made me want to suck in more breath cause i know i was holding it again. Everyone else in the room looked at each other.

"Why don't just have a girls and boys room? That'll make it easier." Becca suggested.

"Yeah. That'll be great." I said and look at Daniel who looked like he just got really bad grades.

"Okay. We're moving the other two beds to the two rooms." Daniel said while walking up the stairs.

"Were gonna prepare some dinner" I told Spencer and Becca. "Daniel! Where's your kitchen?"

"To your right then turn left!"

"Come on." Spencer walked ahead of us.

"So what're we going to cook tonight?" Becca asked and sat down on one of the chairs near the island table. I looked in the fridge and got some ingredients.

"So...we've got a chicken, beef, pork, fish, vegetables, and some herbs and spices. Pretty much everything we needed for a week" I smiled.

"Does anyone have any allergies, here?" Spencer asked.

"Hunter doesn't really eat vegetables." Becca smiled with pride in her face that she knew something about him.

"Daniel doesn't really eat vegetables, too" I said. Becca and i looked at Spencer.

"Well, I think Liam eats everything." She said and we all laughed.

"What did we missed?" Daniel said and all three of them got in the kitchen.

"I heard my name" Liam got a chair and look at the three of us. I noticed Spencer was looking down and started to wash her hands.

"So, what's the menu tonight?" Hunter asked and sat on one of the chairs.

"I don't really know what the name is but Becca know how to cook it. Spencer and i are just co-chefs here. The other is having her date." Becca stood up and started washing her hands.

"Want some help?" Hunter offered.

"It's okay. Thanks. I think i have enough help already" Drying her hands and gathered the ingredients. While us girls are cooking, the boys watch a movie then started placing the table appointments on the table. After another fifteen minutes, we started sitting down in the table. Hunter sat beside me, Daniel beside Amanda and Liam beside Spencer. We talked about many things while eating together until the topic got to Chase and Lizzie, wondering where they were going and what they're doing. Even the guys don't even know where Chase was bringing Lizzie. Daniel brushed his thighs with mine. Surprised of what he just did i looked at him and signaled me to follow him outside as he stood up to place his plates in the sink.

"I'm jut gonna get some fresh and cold air." He said and got his coat and went out. After waiting for the luck to excuse myself that took twenty minutes! You've got to be kidding me!, I thought. He'll be freezing out there. I placed my plate in the sink, turned around and was about to ask whose gonna clean up the dishes tonight and good thing Liam and Spencer volunteered.

"I'm gonna go and check up on Daniel" I said to Becca in the living room with Hunter beside her. I smiled at her, got my coat and went outside. I saw Daniel sitting on the front porch.

"What took you so long?" He asked.

"I'm really sorry to keep you waiting." I looked down. Before i even know it, i was already in his tight and strong embrace. He moved a bit and kissed the nape of my neck. Shivers rub through out my body and the heat of his breath warmed me from the cold weather. It's as if i never felt coldness before. I was about to move away from him but something inside me kept me still and even though i felt like this was going too fast, it felt like the most perfect moment of my life. How am i suppose to react with his actions? Oh, my Daniel. What have you done to me?

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