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Amanda Williams (Mandy)

Daniel Clarke

Elizabeth Porter (Lizzie)

Chase Miller

Spencer Morgan (Penny)

Liam Thompson

Rebecca Taylor (Becca)

Ryan Hunter

Brandon Tyler

Chapter 25


"Hey." Daniel said leaning against the lockers as I was arranging my books in my locker and preparing for the next class.

"Hey" I smiled but did not look at him.

"Do you have any plans this winter break?"

"Just hanging out with my family I think. You got plans or something?" I said.

"I think my mom's staying for just a few days so I don't really have that much of plans unless you want to ski with me then I'll have plans." I paused and closed my locker to look and looked at him.

"I kind of don't know how to ski" looking down because of embarrassment.

"Don't worry about it. I'll teach you how. We can stay at our place for a week maybe. What do you think?"

"Just, the two of us?" I asked trying to clarify some things cause I'm never gonna go their alone with him. I could die because of heart attack if it'll be just me and him staying in one roof plus my mom's never allowing me to go alone with a man.

"I bet you're already thinking of some things." He chuckled "we'll be going with everyone. I already invited Chase, Liam and Ryan and told them to invite Becca and Lizzie. Maybe you want Spencer to come." We started walking along the hallway.

"Will it be okay with you?" I asked.

"Definitely. I don't want Liam to be alone since we're all paired up" he smirked. I looked away to think. After a few minutes, were almost there to my first class in the afternoon.

"So...what do you think? Will you come?" he asked.

"I need to ask permission from my parents first." I stopped near the door to my class and faced him.

"Okay. Tell me, after. See, you later." He smiled and started walking to his class. I never tried skiing before but this would be another first with Daniel around. I went to class and sat near to window. That's my favorite place; by the way, it gives me time to think about things and try to get some fresh air every time the professor goes out.

A few minutes later, Chase got in the room and sat at the back. Well, what's up with him? He never does seat at the back,... unless something happen to him? His face was kind of worried and his eyebrows are frowning as he opened a book and started reading but with that kind of face? It's kind of obvious that he's not really reading. What could have happened? Maybe they had a fight with Lizzie or Lizzie rejected Chase? Well, either of the two I think. Mr. Benson got in the class and started talking.


After the last class in the afternoon, I texted Lizzie to meet me in Starbucks. I wanted to ask maybe there was something going on between Chase and her cause I'm never going to got ski with the tension they will be creating if ever what I'm thinking is true. I met Daniel along the hallways as he went out of his class.

"Hey" I said.

"Hey. How are you?" he asked as we walked side by side and going for the exit.

"Fine. May I ask a question?"

"Yeah sure. What is it?"

"Did Chase and Lizzie have a fight or misunderstanding or something?"

"None, why?"

"Nothing. It's just that Chase is not acting the normal way. You know, just being concerned to a friend here." I smiled and looked at him.

"So, do I need to not act the normal way for me get you concerned about me?" He smiled and chuckled.

"In your dreams, Bear. In your dreams" I grinned just to tease him a bit.

"So, where are you headed to?" he asked.

"I texted Lizzie to meet me at the Starbucks. You?" He smiled and just stared at me. "What?"

"Nothing." He grinned like a crazy person. What the hell is wrong with him today? "May come with you?"

"Sure, if you buy me some red velvet." I teased him. HA! That's what you get when you get weird! HA HA!. Now, I'm the who's weird.

"Thought you'd never ask" He smiled and lead us to his car. He opened the door for me and I got in while he walked around his car to get into the driver's seat. Seconds later, the engine roared to life. The sound of it sounds like it's just been repaired.

"Did you get your car fixed?" I asked.

"Yeah. Just, leaned the engine and renewed some parts. How'd you know about that?"

" I kind of have an interest in cars." I smiled and he started moving.

"Really?" He face marked with shock.

"Yeah" On the way to Starbucks, we barely stopped talking about cars. He's just also in to it. I felt comfortable talking to him so that just makes me happy since I seldom get comfortable talking to boys especially talking about their interests. We kind of have the same interest but I think that's not it, yet. There's more in him that I wanted to know. Not yet, not now.

FInally Noticed: SuddenWhere stories live. Discover now