chapter 9

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Chapter 9


After our last class in the afternoon the gang and I went to Lizzie to tell her that we're going shopping for tomorrow's party But I think Becca did all the job. They were talking and I can almost laugh at the face of Becca being furious and all but suddenly she came walking fast towards me. I smiled at her but it died as I saw her killer face and gave a RUN-FOR-YOUR-LIFE face. I ran until and I was out of breath and stopped. I think I've lost her now,I thought and was trying to smile at my victory of not letting her kill me. Yes! But suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder and was shivering now. She turned me around"

"Please don't kill me!!! I've still got dreams in life!!!" I pleaded.

"What're you saying? I'm just gonna ask you something" she said showing me her detective face again. Now I'm more afraid what her questions will be, kill me now.

"You made me run up to here and you just want to ask me questions?"

"No one told you to run, Liz. And I know you didn't tell me the whole story about you and Chase. I'm just gonna tell you that, I'm wounded that you don't trust me now." Her facial expression changed to a sad one.

"'s not that I don't trust you, it's just that I don't want you to tease me again about him because I'm trying to forget him and move one even if he doesn't talk to me. You knew and I told you that I was crying every night every time I see him or hear stories about him and Brenda. And it's not just about Brenda but it's also about me who's always assuming something even though there's nothing to assume about"

"I know but you just have to tell me not keep it from me."

"Okay...alright" I told her every single that happened to me on the very first day of school. I trust Becca but I don't trust myself. Gaea bury me 8o feet under the ground now please, I thought.

"Well, that's all you have to do, tell me. Now let's go shopping!"

"That's it?! No questions? No teasing?" I was shocked by her answer. She also asked us questions about things like this but now.

"You said you don't want me then I won't. Now let's go! I need to by a new mascara." She smiled. Awh...I love Becca! I don't even get to answer her hard questions!

We went back to the gang and thanked them for waiting.

"What happened to you guys? Do you know that all the students were watching you acting like Tom&Jerry?" Penny said.

"I don't care about them now let's do the shopping!" Becca said and was now eager to buy her new mascara. We went to the mall and bought the things we needed for the party. Charlotte and Penny were in the dress station while Becca and I are here at the make-up station. After we finally bought the things we need. We ate at a café and talked about random things until it was dark.

"I think it's time to go home" I said.

"You go first Penny and I are gonna buy one last make-up. And I'm still meeting Dylan." Charlotte replied.

"Okay. See you guys tomorrow." Becca said as we stood and waved our hands at them. We rode on a taxi on our way home and stopped at Becca's house.

"You sure you don't want to ride on your way home?" She asked.

"No, I don't want my parents to know that I've saved up my money and I also wanted to be alone for a moment.." I laughed at my answer.

"Okay. See you tomorrow" She smiled and waved a hand at me. I started walking on my way home and was thinking about the things that may happen in the party. I really don't like parties but I don't want Mandy not going when Daniel ask her to go with him. I didn't even expect Chase to ask me to go so maybe I should just go. I don't wanna be called old because I don't go to parties.... My thoughts stopped at sound of a guy calling me.

"Elizabeth!" It was Chase. I forgot to tell you that our houses were just a house apart.

"Hey. What're you doing out here?" I waved a hand and asked him.

"I was just throwing the trashes. You?" He walked towards me and was not a meter away.

"I was just walking from Becca's house"

"It's cold out here and you're not wearing you jacket, here" He removed his jacket and wrapped it around me. Because of my deep thinking earlier I didn't even noticed my body was already cold.

"Chase, you don't need to do this"

"I want to. Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure, what is it?" He led me to the playground across our houses. I sat on a swing and played with it.

"I just wanted to confess something to you. I wanted to tell this you a long time ago but I didn't have the chance to" I was now nervous on what will he be confessing about. Maybe he's gonna tell that I stink and I'm the most boring seatmate he'd ever had, I thought.

" I.....i...."

"Say it. I promise I won't be mad or laugh." Giving him a smile just to give him a sense that it's okay to admit that I stink and I'm the most boring person he'd ever met. Then he smiled and continued.

"I like you" he paused as if giving me some time to process what he just said but I liked you since 9th grade. I just wanted to tell you this because I don't wanna regret not telling you and not seeing you again" I was speechless. The person I already loved since 8th grade and was not talking to me. The person who's the reason of my tears every time I cry in the darkness of my room. The person I've been avoiding because I didn't want to him to know that I like him and didn't want to be hurt again just told me that he likes me. I felt like the world was just so weird letting me have this conversation with him.

"I wanted to have this chance in my life to have you in it. I always wanted to keep you in my arms and that's why on the first day even though I supported you already just by holding your arms still I turned you around and pulled you close but you kept distance and just lied that I was in a hurry for my next class even thought I didn't have one because I was embarrassed" I smiled as he was telling me everything. He took a deep breath and asked me. "Do you wanna go out with me?" watching him intently with his beautiful eyes that always melted my heart I didn't even noticed I was holding my breath until we heard a phone was ringing.

"Is that yours?" He asked.

"Yeah...could you just give me a second?"

"Yeah sure" I stood up and answered the damn call that destroyed my moment with him.


"Where are you? It's almost late!"

"I'm just at the playground, Mom. Don't worry I'll be in in a minute."

"Okay just make it fast okay? We're about to start the rosary"

"Okay, Mom" I hung up the phone and looked at Chase. I looked at him and don't even know what to say!

"Was that your mom?" he asked. Oh thank you....i'm about to die here just thinking of what to say.

"Yeah, she asked me to get inside"

"Okay. What time will I pick you up tomorrow night?" We were now walking to my house and stopped at the gate.

"Seven, maybe?"

"Alright then" He smiled.

"I'm gonna get inside now." I said and my position was looking like I'm eager to run away.

"Yeah, sure" I smiled at him and was running towards our front porch.

"Beth!" I stopped and turned around.

"I'll be waiting" He said and I felt like my heart just got out of me. My heart was beating really fast now. I just smiled at him and opened the door and closed it. I leaned against it just trying to calm myself. But I can't seem to do it.


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