Chapter 8: On a Starry Night

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Chapter 8


A few seconds passed while I was hugging her, she immediately moved my hands and kept her distance away from me.

"We, better get inside, I think dinner's serve" She then walked inside the restaurant and I followed her inside. I moved her chair so she can sit down first and then sat opposite to her.

"Amanda, about I did earlier I'm sorry I was just-" I trailed off when she suddenly interrupted me.

"It's okay I knew you were just trying to keep me warm and I shouldn't have let us go there. Now, I'm hungry. Can we eat now?" She gave me one of her wonderful smile that suddenly makes my heart skip a beat. Yes, this is how she affects me. Even though I've known her for like a month or so, she makes me feel special and i hope she does too.

"Of course" Then I waited for her to start eating before I start with mine. We talked about random things and laughed about some people that I may encounter as I get to know everyone in school. We finished our food and I asked her if she wanted some desert but she said she didn't want to. It was now 8:45 and I remember I needed to bring her back on or before ten. I asked for the bill and paid.

"Amanda, I want to you to see something, come" I led her out of the restaurant and got her in the passengers sit and then started to drive.

"Where are you taking me?" She said and smiled. I can still see her alluring brown eyes even in the darkness of the night.

"You'll see. It's not that far" I assured her. We went to the school and parked the car near the football field. I looked at her and saw a confused expression.

"What're we doing here?" she asked.

"You'll see, now come on." I got out of the car and opened the door for her.

"You've been saying 'you'll see' since earlier" I'm glad she noticed it cause it just means that she's really listening to me. I just gave her a smile and led her to the place where she last toured me.

"Stay right, here. I'm just going to get something from the car." I said.

"Okay" she answered. I went to my car and got my refracting telescope out of my car and placed beside her.

"You bought a telescope?" she was shocked but I just chuckled at her.

"Actually, it's from my dad. He gave it to me before he passed away when I was in 6th grade." I said and was happy that I can be this comfortable when I'm with her.

"Daniel, I'm sorry."

"Nah..its okay. He was really interested in stars and galaxies or whatever things that are out there. He even wanted to go outer space and see the whole planet earth from up there, crazy idea right?" I just smiled and chuckled at my sharing to her.

"No not at all. May I?" she said.

"Of course. Do you know how to use it?" I asked and smiled at her.

"is it not just looking at the little hole there?" She laughed

"Here, I'll show you" I moved closer to her and peeked at the hole and grabbing her hand to come closer. "Here, you can adjust the distance you want get, just turn it and you can see it clearly." I let go of her hand and allowed her to peek in the hole.

"This is amazing! I never knew it would be this beautiful! Look! I just saw a shooting start!" I just looked at her and happy that she's happy.

"Do you wanna see some constellations?" I asked as she moved away from it.

"Of course! I'd love to!" I moved closer and peeked.

"" I let her move closer to the telescope and look at it.

"What constellation is this?" she asked.

"It's the Sagittarius also known as the Archer. Ninth in the zodiac sign and known as the sign of fire and is ruled by the planet Jupiter, named after the wise ruler of the ancient Roman gods."

"You studied Astronomy?"

"I did when my Dad used to let me read some of his books that were all about the stars and the outer space. I want you to see this, come." I moved behind her, held her hand and raised it up really high, "See that those seven bright stars out there?"

"Yeah I see it"

"That's the Ursa Minor also known as the Little Bear, that's you." I was moving her hands to form the constellation. "See those other brighter starts beside it? That's Ursa Major known as the Great Bear and that's me...." She suddenly trailed me off when she turn her head to talk but she can't seem to let it out so I continued my talking even if she's looking at me. "Those two come together and they form the Big Dipper..." She turned her head back and raised it to look at the way I was tracing the constellations. After a few seconds I put her hands down and kept distance from her remembering of what happened at the restaurant. I don't wanna let her uncomfortable again. I looked at the time and noticed it's passed 9:30 already.

"I think it's time I should take you home" I said and was also trying to break the awkward silence.

"Yeah, I'm sure they're waiting for me" I got the telescope in the car and hopped in the drivers sit. We talked about galaxies and constellations on our way to her house and suddenly I slowed noticing Chase and Lizzie walking to her house. They stopped and talked for a while and we passed them.

"Was that Lizzie and Chase together?" she asked.

"Yeah, weird right?" I parked the car in front of her house and opened the car door for her.

"Daniel, thanks for tonight, I really had fun." She smiled and walked inside. I saw her Dad nodded and waved a hand at me so I also did the same thing. I got back into the car and paused for a moment just processing the events that happened tonight. And a question popped in my mind.

Did Chase just asked Lizzie out?

FInally Noticed: SuddenWhere stories live. Discover now