Chapter 31

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Amanda Williams (Mandy)

Daniel Clarke

Elizabeth Porter (Lizzie)

Chase Miller

Spencer Morgan (Penny)

Liam Thompson

Rebecca Taylor (Becca)

Ryan Hunter

Brandon Tyler

Chapter 31


The night before Chase was taking me some where, i went to the mall to shop some things mom told me to bye and bought some some clothes for me as well. I was roaming inside the mall and saw Brandon, the cousin of Mandy. He saw me and i smiled at him. He walked towards me.

"Hey" he said.


"What did you got in there?" he pointed at the bag i was bringing.

"Oh! This? I was ask to by these for mom and bought some clothes as well." I smiled.

He nodded "How would you like some coffee? My treat." He grinned at me.

"That would be so nice but i'm kind of in a hurry now. Maybe...another time?"

"Okay. Can i just give you a ride home then? "

"Su-" my answer was interrupted by some guy.

"That'll surely be a no, no. We have plans. Didn't she tell you?" It was the almost black-brown eyed guy who interrupted my time with Brandon, Chase. Brandon was this good guy who talk to me at a party and talked to me after Chase just confessed to me. Until now he still gave me this hanging question if i still love Chase after the wasted years of not telling me. I looked at Chase, frowning. He stood beside me and held my hand looking at Brandon.

"Oh. Is that true, Liz?" Brandon looked at me. Don't know what to answer so i looked at Chase who was also looking at me and eye-talked to me to tell Brandon that I do have plans with him. But the problem is i don't have any plans with him now not until tomorrow morning.

I turned to Brandon and said "Yeah. I'm sorry i totally forgot. But i don't mind you coming with us."

"No it's really fine i was just trying to kill the time. Guess i'll be going now." He said while his eyes were really boring through Chase's, who's also doing the same thing. He smiled and walked away. I turned to look at Chase and put on my angry face.

"Why do you have to lie to him?"i said.

"I don't want him near you." He also turned to look at me looking hurt.

"What?! And why are you here by the way?"

"Am i not allowed to go to the mall?"

"It's not that you're not allowed. Are you following me?"

"What if i tell you I am? What will you say?" I turned and walked away. I don't really know what's happening to me but i really don't like lying. He was following me and catching up my pace. "Mine" he held my shoulders using both of his hands staying in front and stopped me from walking. "Look. I don't know why your mad at me. I really just can't stand looking at him near you. Okay? I went here because i bought something for our tomorrow's plan. Please, it pains me seeing you mad at me." Oh, how can i ever decline him with his hands touching my skin, his eyes staring at me like he never wants to let go of me and his whole face which kept me still with his breath and super masculine smell on me. Will i ever get enough of him? I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and opened my eyes again looking at his eyes that was still staring at me.

"Okay. I'm really sorry for overreacting. Now that i lost my ride, will you drive me home then?" I said as he slowly removed his hands away from me.

"I always do but i need you to stay put for a while i'm gonna get something. Is that okay with you?" He smiled. I nodded and he left me at a place where i can sit. I was going to go with him but he said there's no need to. He returned with a plastic bag in hands carrying a half gallon of ice cream. He got two of my favorite flavors, strawberry and very rocky road. We shared the ice cream on our way home and finished it at the playground across our house.


My mother knew Chase is gonna get me early in the morning. As in early in the morning with no sunlight yet. I was kind of excited and nervous as well on what're we gonna do together, alone. I was still in bed when someone woke me up from my sleep by shaking my shoulders. I told mom just a few more minutes but i heard a chuckle from a manly voice. I turned to face to look at who that is. Chase was sitting at the side of my bed smiling.

"Why are you in my room?" I frowned a him confused and nervous because he's the first guy who entered my room except my father. He just smiled at me and didn't answer. "How long did you stay in my room?"

"I asked the permission of your mom for me to wake you up since she's already up and i just stayed silent for a few minutes before i shook your shoulders to wake you up. I didn't want to wake from your sleep, you look so beautiful when you sleep, by the way." I blush on his last sentence and asked him to go out for a while as i prepare myself. It's actually nice waking up and seeing his face first thing in the morning. I feel so complete even after i open my eyes and see his face staring at me. It was a perfect moment. I finish my daily hygienic morning routine and went down. I saw Chase and mom talking in the living room. Dad woke up and followed me down the stairs but before we could show ourselves in the living room, he called me then looked at me straight in the eyes.

"Mandy, i trust that you won't do anything i don't want you to do. I believe you. Just take care of yourself and Chase. I know he likes you and we talked about it already. He's a good kid but just be careful. I don't want to see you being broken, okay?"

"Thanks, Da. I promise wont do anything that will make you mad. I'm just so curious because your allowing me to go with someone, alone." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"As what i've told you, your mom and i like this kid and we trust him. Plus, he's just our neighbor." He smiled then lead us to the living room where mom and Chase are talking.

"Are you all set?" She approached my dad who was sitting in our recliner.

"Just one problem." I said.

"What?" All of them looked at me.

"Can someone tell me where the hell are we heading to?" They all laughed at me.

"Go now" my dad said. I kissed my mom and dad goodbye and Chase lead us to his car, opening the door for me and smiled. He walked around the car, got into the drivers seat and we started moving.

"You can sleep if you want to. It's still very early." He said still smiling while opening the roof of his car to get some fresh air.

"Yeah. I noticed." I smiled at him then shifted in my seat trying to find the most comfortable position for me to sleep again. Minutes later, all was black and i fell asleep.


Heat caressed my cheeks, cold breeze blew the air and the sound of the seagulls brought music to the place. Curios of where i am, i slowly opened my eyes and saw the halcyon of the ocean with its wonderful color. I sat up straight and looked around until i saw two black-brown eyes staring at me. I almost forgot i was with Chase. He smiled and sat up straight. I noticed blanket that was covering me that is now already on the floor of his car. I just stared at him back and smiled. It was a wonderful morning or more like the most happiest morning i ever had. Looking at each others faces, i laughed. He joined me in my wierd moment of laughing without any reason. I unbuckled my seatbelt, opened the door of his car and went out without my shoes on. The soles of my feet touched the freezing sand and still stamping my feet trying to adjust to the temperature that's about fourteen degrees, i guess. I turned to look at Chase who was go out of his car too.

"Wanna swim?" I grinned at him.

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