Part One

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"Today, we will be celebrating the arrival of our new students into the academy. Captains and Lieutenants, be on your best behavior. And do not, at all costs, let loose, as in, do not drink too much. We don't want our new students to think of us Captains and Lieutenants as someone that will go easy on them in training." Head Captain stated.

Captain Kyoraku of Squad 8 let out an amused laugh, knowing well that the Head Captain was talking about him. His Lieutenant Ise bowed her head in embarrassment.

"Aww that hurts, Old Man Yama." Kyoraku chuckled.

Head Captain ignored his comment, continuing on with this so called "important" meeting.

Captains meetings were a waste of time, since most of the time they discussed pointless things that needed to be fixed, improved, or protected in the seireitei.

"Does anyone know the status of Captain Ukitake?" Head Captain asked.

Captain Unohana of Squad 4 stepped forward. "I'm afraid he is still terribly sick, Head Captain. It doesn't look like he'll be able to make it to the welcoming ceremony this evening."

"Hmm." Head Captain said, defeated.

"You are all dismissed."


I walked next to Captain Aizen as we exited the room, as he made small, nice conversations with a few of the captains. What a shame though. They truly don't know what kind of monster he is, and will all probably die at his hands in the future.

I decided to leave my Captain as he stopped to speak with Captain Tosen of Squad 9, also secretly taking orders under him.

Captain Kuchiki joined me as I stepped foot in the sunny air of the seireitei, his Lieutenant Kuchiki Byakuya following close behind him. He was an odd captain, also a creepy one at that, but he was most admired by all the captains and soul reapers, probably because he was more ancient then Hear Captain. And then there was his grandson, Kuchiki Byakuya, who mirrored his personality.

It was said by every soul reaper that he would do anything to protect the Soul Society; that he puts the order before himself. But I am one of the few (other than Aizen and Tosen) that know the truth to his true intentions; his pride and honor do not lie with the Soul Society. It lies within his dear grandson, Kuchiki Byaukya.

And that is the reason I've grown fond of Captain Kuchiki; my pride also lies within someone I would die to protect. He is probably my favorite captain of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads. It would be a shame to see him die at Aizen's hands.

"Good mornin', Captain. Lieutenant." I greeted them both.

"Good morning, Gin." He replied, his voice emotionless. His son just nodded his head to me in response, both their eyes closed as they looked bored with the world.

"Where're ya headed of ta, this mornin'?" I asked.

"Squad 13. I have some matters I need to discuss with Captain Ukitake."

I grinned.

"Oh, captain. How's yer wife doin?" I asked, curious about his wife.

Kuchiki, with his eyes still shut, replied, a slight emotion in his voice. "She is fine."

"Mhmm." I hummed. But I knew it was a lie; almost everyone knew of his wife's sickness; I assumed they were going to Ukitake to take some advice from him, since Ukitake was sick all the time.

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