Part Twelve

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"What?!" I gripped Isshin's arms to make sure what he said was true.

Naomi rolled her eyes. "Didn't you hear what Captain Isshin just said, fool?"

"Like I said, Rangiku. You have been promoted to my Lieutenant since Naomi refuses to." Isshin explained.

I couldn't believe her.

"Naomi, you freaking idiot! How could you deny this offer?!" I snapped, turning my attention to her.

Naomi's eyes widened at my temper. "Don't tell me you don't want to become a Lieutenant?" She questioned.

"I- of course I do, but-"

"There! You're Lieutenant then."

"You are a fool, Naomi, if you were to decline this!" I snapped.

"Now now, ladies-" Isshin started.

"Shut up!" Naomi and I said in unison. Isshin's eyes widened before he backed down, relaxing himself in the couch.

"You call me a fool? You are a fool for arguing this matter with me when it's been already decided by Captain Isshin!"

"Naomi, you are stronger than me! And you have far more experience than me! I've only been here for a little over a month, and I still do not understand why I didn't undergo all those years of training like every rookie does! And now this? This sounds all good to be true!" I snapped, causing Naomi to frown. She had a look of sadness in her eyes as she continued to look at me.

"I know. But you know why I can't and won't, Rangiku." She spoke quietly.

My eyes widened in disbelief. This can't all have to do with her brother now, can't it?

I opened my mouth the speak about the matter, but then I remembered what she said. That only myself, Aizen, and Head Captain knew about this matter.

I sighed. "Fine."

"Woohoo! Finally! So much drama!" Isshin said from behind me. Naomi gave me a warm smile.

And then I was picked up off my feet by Isshin as he spun me around in joy.

Once Isshin put me down, a hell butterfly flew into the room, landing in Isshin's shoulder.

"Attention all Captains, Lieutenants. Please report to Squad One barracks for important news. Again, all captains and lieutenants report to Squad One for an important meeting."

Isshin smiled, then grabbing my wrist.

"What are you doing?"

"You need to be approved by Captain Yamamoto! And plus, you already are Lieutenant."

My eyes widened at the realization.

I would be in front of every captain and lieutenant.

And the Head Captain, in fact.

"Stop looking so nervous, Rangiku. Isshin's new at this too." Naomi said.

"Yeah, but he's been Captain for like three days already!"

"Its just a meeting to approve you. Calm down." Naomi repeated. "Now go! You don't wanna make Head Captain angry!" She smacked my butt as Isshin led me out, causing me to yelp.



I entered the meeting room following my grandfather, as the Captains lined themselves up in descending order, as the lieutenants stood at the side of their captain.

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