Part Ten

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I knew my question was rather harsh. But I couldn't have her following me around. Especially with Aizen around.

And I didn't want everyone to know of mine and Rangiku's relationship. What was between us was between us only.

Rangiku seemed ataken back.

"You left without saying anything." She pouted. I smiled, glad she didn't tell me a lie.

"Ah. You and Isshin seemed ta be having a... heart ta heart conversation. I figured my presence would'ave been interfering. So I left."

Rangiku frowned.

She opened her mouth to speak, but I interrupted her.

"Now, if that's all ya want'd ta say, than I will have.. Momo escort ya out." At the mention of her name, Momo straightened up, as she took her stand next to Rangiku.

Her eyes widened.

"Excuse me?"

I kept my amused smile.

"Don't worry, Rangiku. I'll check in on ya soon." I approached her, before stopping in my steps just inches from her.

I looked down to her neck, seeing her scarf was covering the ring I had given her.

Hm. I wouldn't have that.

I reached my hand up to her scarf, feeling Rangiku tense under me as I felt her eyes digging into mine.

When I took her scarf of, I grinned even wider at the sight of the necklace on her chest.

"Better." I said, turning my attention back to the slightly red Rangiku.

I tilted my head, smiling at her.

Then I grabbed both her arms, pulling her into my body.

I wrapped my arms around her frozen body as I heard her breath suck in in surprise.

Hm. Her reaction was adorable.

I brought my lips down to her ear.

"Don't ever come to Squad 5 again." I whispered, causing her to shiver at my words.

And then I departed from her, freeing her from my grasp.

I could feel the surprised eyes of the three soul reapers behind me as I walked away, feeling Rangiku's hard glare on the back of my head.

What I had told her was rather rude of me. But I wasn't going to tell her my reasons. Just the thought of Aizen using her as a pawn against me infuriated me.

Its rather ironic. Rangiku's purpose coming here was to see me. But now, I have to distance myself from her further in order to protect her. Because that's what I had done my entire life.

"Lieutenant." I looked to my side to see Kira walking next to me.

"Kira. Is something the matter?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

"I- no, Lieutenant. I was just..." I watched from the corner of my eye as Kira turned his attention to the ground before him.

I smiled slightly.

"Yer curious 'bout Rangiku and I, arent'cha?"

"Uh- no, sir. I was just wondering.. You mentioned something about Isshin? Isshin Shiba?"


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