Part Six

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Four weeks had passed since I last saw Gin.

I was growing restless by the second during my time in Squad 10. I hadn't figured out why I was automatically transferred to Squad 10 without the same time of training everyone else got in order to become a soul reaper. But everyone in Squad 10 was kind, and even though they were Captain and Lieutenant-less, third seat Naomi Hattori had been managing the squad quite well. At the same time Naomi was strict, she was one of the kindest soul reaper's I've met.

I was leaning against a tree in the gardens behind the Squad 10 barracks, my thoughts jumbled up with Gin.

All his requests he had thrown at me that day made me grow suspicious of him, but he always looks suspicious. And I knew behind every request he had good intentions that ninety five percent of the time had to do with me.

I sighed in frustration, shutting my eyes and leaning my head back.

I trusted Gin. I always have. But my trust in him always seemed to have a drastic effect.

I thought that maybe I should do something. Question Gin more. But I knew that would be pointless, he would not tell me what he was thinking unless he truly wanted me to know.

But I was angry at him right now for not coming to see me. If I had known it had been like this, I would not have joined Squad 10. Instead, I would have joined Squad 5 to see his face everyday.

"Rangiku! You idiot!" I opened my right eye, seeing third seat Naomi approach me with a bag in her hand.

"Yes?" I replied innocently. She was coming here to scold me for leaving the zanpakuto training session early.

"What are you doing slacking off?" She snapped, her small but intimidating frame standing above me.

"Sorry, Captain. I had a headache." I said.

Naomi scowled, her scowl then turning into a frown.

"I told you to stop calling me Captain."

"Well, you basically are Captain, since you've run this Squad for the past few years."

"That's not true. There were a number of Captains that ran this squad the past few years."

"Say, Naomi. Why don't you become Lieutenant?" I asked, curious. Naomi sighed, before sitting down next to me, as she begun to take out whatever was in the bag.

"I believe this squad has a right to make their decisions themselves and do what they think is best without having an authoritarian rule."

"hmm.." I said. My eyes widened when I saw Naomi pull sake out of the bag.

"Captain! I didn't know you drank!" I gasped.

Naomi rolled her eyes at the mention of Captain.

"Taking care of you fools is stressful. I need to sit back and relax at times." I watched Naomi pour the bottle of sake into a bowl, before throwing her head back and downing it all.

"Want some?" Naomi offered.

"No. I don't drink." I said.

"Suit yourself."

A few minutes passed with Naomi drinking rapidly as I shut my eyes once again, trying to think of anything other than Gin.

"I have some good news for you, Rangiku." Naomi said, her voice sounding more slurry.

"Yes, Captain?"

"You've been promoted to eighth seat."

I jumped up on my feet, looking down at her in bewilderment.

The Promise (Bleach: Gin x Rangiku)Where stories live. Discover now