Part Eight

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"Yare yare. She walked off steamin' with anger." I spoke, walking next to the squad's leader.

"Did you come here for her?" Naomi asked.

"'Course not. I came ta talk ta you."

"I find that hard to believe." She said as she opened the door to her office, inviting me in.

I followed her in, sitting myself down on her couch as she leaned against her desk.

Silence lingered over us for a few moments before I spoke, my voice serious, the usual smile on my face disappearing, even opening my eyes just a tad.

"How is she?"

"Her façade is happy at times, serious on the other. But I can tell she's been miserable."

"Hm? How can she be miserable when she's fifth seat?"

"Because of you, you idiot." Naomi snapped. I let out an amused laugh.

"Well, doesn't surprise me."

Naomi sighed before coming to take a seat on the opposite end of the couch.

"I don't blame you. I would do the same as well." She said.

"Different coming from you."

"How so?"

"Why, because he's your brother, of course." I smiled.

She sighed. "I told you not to mention that fact to me."

"Oh! Sorry sorry."

"No you're not."

My smile grew wider.

"How are things with my brothe- with Aizen?"

"He is suspicious of me."

"Everyone is suspicious of you, Gin. You have the façade of a murderer."

"Aw. That was harsh." I joked.

"Shut up. Now, he came to see me this morning. The first time in what - two years? - did he have a one to one conversation with me." Naomi said.

I frowned. "What'd he say ta ya?"

"That's the thing - he said nothing. He just asked me how things were going with Squad 10. And then he spoke to me so casually, actually pretending that he cared what was going on in my life."

"That was his tactic all along." I said, deep in thought.


And then I remembered the prophecy.

Rangiku couldn't be that person. Right?

But why has Aizen already taken such an interest in her? Did he come to Squad 10 just to see her?

"Gin." Naomi snapped me out of my thoughts.

"He has his eyes set on Rangiku."

A pause.

"That makes sense. He did take an automatic liking to her when they met."

I looked at Naomi in the eye.

"Keep her away from him without looking too suspicious."


-promise me that." I asked sincerely.

"Gin. I can't do that without looking suspicious anyway."

"Hm... Then become Captain."

I watched Naomi's eyes widen in shock.

The Promise (Bleach: Gin x Rangiku)Where stories live. Discover now