Part Twenty Six

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Third Person

in the depths of central 46

Her usual perfectly waved brown hair was in many tangles, sweat covered her from head to toe. It had grown down to her hips as she groaned. Her bright blue eyes full of life looked were hollow, the light gone from all of it.

Her arms were pinned and shackled to the wall, legs pinned to the ground with a powerful kidō.

A kidō invented by her own ruthless big brother.

The heavily concealed door was opened, revealing the tall and confident figure of her big brother.

Naomi didn't even turn her head to look at who it was. Because she knew who it was.

It was the monster that used to be her loving big brother.

He looked down at the full plate of food he placed at her side. But she hadn't touched it once.

"You need to eat."

Naomi said nothing as Aizen approached her.

Aizen had visited her everyday ever since he caged her like an animal six months ago.

Even though he had grown into a monster, he still had one person he cared for.

His little sister.

Aizen bent down to eye level with her. He grabbed her chin gently, turning her head to face him.

"You need. To eat." Aizen repeated himself.

"I can't eat when you've got me glued to the wall." Naomi said weakly.

Aizen chuckled. "These chains are flexible. They can stretch at your will."

Naomi didn't reply.

Aizen sighed. "Please, eat."

"I'd rather die."

Aizen felt his heart clench at the weakness in her voice. He hated doing this to her.

"Naomi, please-

-just kill me already. I'd rather die than continue to see the poor excuse of a shinigami you've become." Naomi spoke harshly.

Aizen just continued to look at his little sister.

He remembered who she was before all of this; before he made her commit unforgivable crimes.

She always wore a grin on her face, and her eyes were always full of life. She was the most happiest shinigami alive, with her loving big brother and boyfriend at the time, Shichiro.

But what he had done to her now was unthinkable.

He had made her go through so much. When a Captain of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads had almost killed Naomi, anger and revenge had come alive within Aizen.

Not only that, but the woman he fell in love with was suddenly taken from her. By the Thirteen Court Guard Squads, he assumed. And he had never seen her again.

That's why he went to Squad One's library. He had done so many times, but he had hoped each time that there was something that held a clue of where the woman he loved had disappeared off to. But there was nothing.

"I'm sorry, Naomi." Aizen said.

"No you're not."

Aizen straightened back up in his feet.

"I'll come by again tomorrow."

"Please don't."

"I care for you. And I love you, little sister." Aizen reminded her.

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