Part Five

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Gin had been gone for an hour now, disappearing into the crowd with a woman Hinamori had dragged through the crowd with her.

Sadly for me, I had not gotten a good look at this woman. I was caught at the look of captivity among the crowds eyes as all of them saw Gin with his eyes open for the first time. Gin was known as the most mysterious and creepy soul reaper, since he was near impossible to read by any person. I guess that's why I admired him, he always surprised people.

Just like he surprised me just now by disappearing into the crowd with a blonde haired girl.

I had always been suspicious of Gin since the day I met him as a child. He was always so strange, yet interesting. But I now grew more suspicious of him now; it seemed as if he was running from me. Along with the girl.

That girl definitely meant something to him. If she had the ability to make Gin open his eyes the biggest I had ever seen them open, with emotion shown in his eyes, then I had discovered something about Gin that I would have never thought he had.

His weakness.


Rangiku had been asleep for nearly half an hour now, as I remained in the same position, watching over her.

This reminded me of ten years ago, when I always watched over Rangiku while she slept. Because she was always an easy target for disgusting men to get their hands on to, I was her guardian and protector.

And ever since then, I would threaten and kill anyone who would harm Rangiku physically or emotionally.

She was so weak and fragile back then, rarely leaving my side. She always relied on me, which never bothered me at all. Rangiku was the only person who ever cared for me and never looked at me differently from my personality and my appearance.

And that still did not change to this day.

I walked over to the sleeping woman, standing above her and watching her face. She looked peaceful in her sleep, her hand clutching at something around her neck.

I reached forward, unwrapping her fingers from around the necklace she wore.

My eyes opened in surprise that Rangiku still kept this after all these years.

I had found her a crystal and wrapped it with string as a necklace for her. And there I didn't know she still had it.

I smiled. So I guess Rangiku didn't hate me after all.

Rangiku moved her head to the side, face scrunched.

I flash stepped back to the corner I had set myself in the second Rangiku opened her eyes.

A few seconds passed before she sat up, her eyes finding my hidden figure at the other side of the room.

"Gin?" Her voice sounded so small.

"I'm here." I emerged from the shadows, allowing the light to reveal me.

She sighed in relief, obviously worried that I had left her again without telling her where I was going. I watched her look carefully around at the setting, her body tensing.

"Where have you taken me?"

"Somewhere safe." I stated bluntly.

Rangiku glared right through me.

"I told you, I can take care of myself."

"No, ya didn't." I smiled.

Rangiku rolled her eyes at me.

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