Part Two

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"Tonight is the perfect night to infiltrate Squad One; everyone will be outside celebrating, so the guard will be more vulnerable tonight." Captain Tosen stated.

"All the more reason for Head Captain to strengthen his guard posts." Aizen stated calmly as he was leaning against the wall, a stupid smirk played on his lips. Well, I shouldn't be the one to judge.

"What is it in Squad One that we need so bad?"

Their attention now shifted towards me.

"I've told you, Gin." Tosen said.

"Ah, did ya?" I laughed, making them more suspicious. Good.

"You weren't listening." Tosen rose his voice as he stood himself up from his seat. I could just hear his blood boiling.

In public, Tosen and I were on kind terms. But when not in public, he went at me, as I was well aware of his suspicions and hatred towards me; I wouldn't blame him. He didn't trust me. I wouldn't trust me either.

"Never mind that, Tosen." Aizen spoke calmly. Tosen relaxed at his command, sitting back down.

I felt bad for him; Aizen had him tied tightly around his finger. The most loyal are usually the first to be killed off.



"Squad One has something hidden in its library that I need." Aizen started.

"Huh? And what would that be?"

"I won't know until I get there."

"Then when will be the best time to get there?" Tosen asked.

"Right now."

My grin disappeared. "Whadda ya mean 'right now?'"

"I mean, Gin, I'm leaving after this meeting. I want you both to keep watch around Squad One."

"How long will you be?" Tosen asked.

"If everything goes as planned, this should not go longer than ten minutes."

I just stood there silently, as I placed my sly smile back on my face.

"If I am more than ten minutes, I want you both to leave. Then meet back here after tonight's ceremony." Aizen continued.

"Capt'n Aizen, ya won't be going ta the ceremony?" I asked, a bit annoyed.

"No, Gin. That's why I need you to go. I will be there, but at the same time, I won't. I'll be watching closely."

"And why not, Capt'n?" I pried.

"This key hidden in Squad One is equally important as the reason I need you to go to the ceremony, as these are both crucial to my plan. I just need you to find them and watch their actions. But, it might also be just one person. I haven't a clue. Just don't arise suspicions." Aizen stated.

"Hm. Don't I already?" I said sarcastically. Aizen's grin grew wider as Tosen let out a smirk.

"What I meant to say is, don't look any more suspicious than you already do."

"Whatev'r ya say, Capt'n Aizen."

"Now, I need both of your assistance in my entry into Squad One." He stood up straight, fixing his glasses on his face, before approaching me.

That's when my smirk turned into a frown.

"Yes, Captain." Tosen said.

I felt Aizen's eyes on me as he stopped in front of me, I suppose he waited for me to say something. When I didn't,  I heard the door unlock behind me. Aizen walked past me to the exit.

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