Part Seven

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"He's your brother?!" I gasped.

"Shut up!" She snapped.

"Oh my gosh! I see it now! Its in the eyes!" I grinned.

Naomi smiled, surprisingly.

"But Captain. Why don't you want people to know?"

"Its not healthy for two siblings like Aizen and myself to be both Captains."

"Hmm." I said.

"Our feelings and emotions as siblings would conflict with a Captain's dedication to the Soul Society."

"Says who?"

"Said Head Captain, Aizen, and I."

I grew silent.

"I don't understand, Captain. Why did you tell me this?"

"I don't know." Naomi sighed.

"But that's not the reason I brought you here. I have great news for you. I told you this yesterday, but you didn't believe me because I was drunk."

I let out a laugh.

"Fifteenth seat Rangiku Matsumoto, you have been promoted to fifth seat." Naomi said.

My eyes widened.

Naomi continued on.

"The minute I saw you train, I knew you were gonna be a special one. It seemed you already knew the basics of fighting, and everything else came natural to you. You were also one of the few soul reapers that have learned their zanpakuto's name and ability in the matter of a few weeks. I don't know how, but its as if you've awakened this special power inside of you. I'm impressed. And proud." Naomi smiled at me warmly.

I smiled in response, feeling the tears coming.

"Captain!!" I threw myself at Naomi as I jumped over the desk, wrapping my arms around her small torso and squeezing her. We both landed on the ground behind the desk as I ignored captain's attempts to get me off of her.

"You're so sweet! Thank you!!" I hugged her tighter.

"YOU'RE KILLING ME!" Naomi screamed. I pushed myself off of Naomi as she crawled from under me, gasping for air.

"You.. Need... To lose... Weight." Naomi said between breaths as she gasped for air.

"Aww, captain! That was mean." I pouted.

But captain let out a ringing laugh, causing me to laugh along with her.



I looked up from the boring paperwork I was currently filling out just as Captain Aizen walked into the office, a smug smile on his face.

"Where're ya off ta so early this mornin', Captain Aizen?" I asked, curious.

"Visiting someone special." Aizen replied, taking his seat behind his desk.

"Hm? Who?"

Aizen just smiled, turning his attention back to his paperwork.

Hm. I pushed to far. Oh well.

"I just got back from my visit to Squad 10, Gin."

My hand froze.

"Oh?" I pretended to sound interested.

"I discussed a few Captain matters with third seat Naomi Hattori. And then she spoke highly of this one wonderful student that has been excelling in everything."

The Promise (Bleach: Gin x Rangiku)Where stories live. Discover now