Part Four

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What the hell is she doing here?

I was aware my eyes were still open as it captivated the people around us. Even Aizen seemed to be caught by surprise.

And when her eyes met mine, I felt my heart physically stop.

I couldn't take it anymore.

" 'scuse us, Capt'n." I spoke.

I strode up to Rangiku, grabbing her arm gently with a tight grip, aware of the shock sent between us, before pulling her into the crowd closely behind me.

My eyes were now shut as people cleared a way for me, as I dragged a stunned Rangiku behind me.

Again, what the hell is she doing here?

I dragged us into an empty alley before letting go of her arm.

I turned around, looking at her. My eyes were now slightly open, taking in the sight before me.

She still looked the same, her blonde hair cut to her shoulders, blue eyes brightening her demeanor. Except she was now taller and more built.

Out of all the days she could to come, why today?

"Why're ya here?" I frowned.

My question seemed to wake her back up into reality as she looked at me, mixed emotions boiling in her eyes.

"Isn't it obvious?" She spoke. Oh, how long it has been since I heard her voice. But unlike before, Rangiku sounded more confident in herself.

I stayed silent, continuing to frown.

"You left me all those years before." Rangiku spoke, reminding me.

I continued to stay silent.

"Do you have any idea how much I cried after you left?"

I felt my heart tear a bit at the sound of distress in her voice.

"If you wanted to protect me, Gin, you could have done so without leaving me confused and helpless like you always do."

My flawless demeanor fell down the second Rangiku said my name.

I opened my eyes, looking piercingly into her confused eyes. The same eyes I saw when I left her all those years ago.

I wanted to tell her why. Why I had to. I had thought she knew why, but I guessed wrong. And now here she was, more beautiful than ever, confused and upset.

"That doesn't answer my question. Why are you here?" I repeated myself.

Rangiku kept her eyes steady on mine as she spoke her next words calmly, with deep truth and emphasis on each word.

"Because you're here."


It was true. I meant every word I said. When he left me all those years ago, I was broken. I didn't know what to do without him.

So I decided to myself that when I was older, I would become a soul reaper myself, in hopes to reunite with Gin; in hopes he wouldn't disappear on me ever again.

And I never knew I would see him this soon.

When my eyes fell on him back at the square, his eyes were wide open in astonishment. I guess he'd never thought he'd ever see me again.

My heart froze at the beauty of his eyes; they were more blazing with fire and emotion than ever.

And when he led me away, I allowed him to. At the same time his grip was hard, he was gentle with me, like he had always been.

The Promise (Bleach: Gin x Rangiku)Where stories live. Discover now