Part Fourteen

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Byakuya Kuchiki stopped a few feet in front of me, eyes shut, his face relaxed. He was another one of those pretty boy Soul Reapers, similar to Captain Ukitake, but I could tell their personalities were exact opposites.

And when he finally opened his eyes, I froze under his hard gaze.

"Rangiku Matsumoto."

"H-hai?" I said quietly.

He shut his eyes once again.

"I must admit. When I first saw you , I didn't think you had it in you to become Lieutenant."


"But, I trust in Captain Isshin's judgement, as well as I do with Head Captain's. I've heard many incredible stories about you. You seem to have sparked the admiration of everyone."

"Ha-Hai." Was all I could let out.

"Hopefully you aren't planning to use this mass of popularity as a trick to turn on Soul Society?"

Wow. Double ouch. What does he think I am? Do I really look that threatening and dangerous.

"Ah, Capt'n Kuchiki. She's too pure 'nd good ta do something like that." I felt my body tense even more as Gin spoke from behind me. I snuck a few glances around me, looking for Isshin for help to take me out out of this nerve racking situation. But he was talking to one of the Captains, the one that wore some mask to cover his face.

Dammit Isshin, right when I need you, you aren't here!

"Its the soul reapers that have this so called purity that usually turn on Soul Society." Captain Kuchiki said.

"Hmm. True. But trust me, Capt'n. Rangiku's different." I watched as Gin gave Byakuya Kuchiki a "reassuring smile" through his disturbing grin. 

Byakuya looked at him for a few more minutes before switching his gaze back to me.

"My most sincere apologies, Rangiku. I didn't mean to appear rude. Congratulations on becoming Lieutenant. From all I heard about you, you deserved it." Byakuya's tone suddenly changed.

I bowed my head to him.

"Thank you, Captain." I said.

And then Byakuya walked away, and I turned to follow him out of the meeting room.

I felt Gin walking slightly behind me as I walked out of the Squad One barrack, still feeling him walk behind me as we exited Squad One.

And then I felt his grip on my arm as he pulled me from the open and into a small alley way hidden by the shadows of the buildings between us.

I was forced up against the wall as Gin pinned my arms up by the wrist.

I let out a shaky breath as I kept my eyes shut, feeling Gin's hard gaze on my face.

"Congratulations, Rangiku." He slithered the words off his tongue.

"What do you want from me, Gin?" I spoke, tensing as I felt his breath come closer to my face.


I shook my head, pushing him of off me. I opened my eyes to see that he still had that annoying and lazy smile on his face.

"You told me to never come to you again. And now you're here here, trying to-"

"I never told'ja that." Gin interrupted.

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