Part Seventeen

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The blade of my zanpakuto dissolved into ash as I released my shikai.

Haineko wrapped around the arm of the hollow that was pinning me down. I smiled as it engulfed its arm, as the hollow released a blood curdling scream, my ash slicing up its arm. The hollow's blood splattered onto me as it ripped its hand from my body. Shrieking as it held its chopped up arm.

But the minute he released his arm it was harder to breathe. I lifted my head up and looked down at my torso, seeing blood pouring from my stomach. My ribs were certainly crushed, along with one of my lungs as well. I could even feel a painful pressure pressing against my heart; probably one of my ribs.

Through my foggy vision I saw the hollow flying at me, but I built a wall around myself with haineko, causing the hollow to jump back from me.

The pain grew inevitable that certain parts of my body begun to grow numb.

I kept haineko around my body to defend myself from the hollow. But as my vision started to grow more hazy by the second, the weaker my wall grew.

And then came the point where I couldn't take it anymore.

And in my last thoughts, all I could think about was Gin.

"RANGIKU!" Isshin's voice screamed out.

I forced my eyes open, only to see a white haori before me, a Captain defending me from the hollow, standing in between the hollow and myself.



I was pulled away from the hollow and the captain by a strong pair of arms. I blinked, looking up at my Captain's worried expression. He was speaking to me, his mouth was moving, but I couldn't hear his words. I couldn't understand him.

The last thing I saw was the starless sky before I felt my vision go black.



I sensed her reiatsu the second it spiked.

Instantly I knew something was wrong.

But when I finally reached her, I was too late.

The mere sight of her caused my reiatsu to go off.

Isshin appeared beside me, as he cried out to Rangiku.

Her shikai dissolved around her. The hollow looked to his side, grinning at us, as he moved on to Rangiku.

I was in front of her in a split second, stopping the hollow's disgusting hands with my own.

A shock wave was sent out at the force of my stopping him. I heard Isshin dragging Rangiku away behind me.

I was filled with pure hatred.

I crushed the hollow's hand, causing him to shriek in pure agony. Its agonizing scream filled my ears with happiness. I pulled out my zanpakuto in a second, summoning my shikai.

"Shoot to kill, Shinso."

Shinso extended, piercing right through the hollow's head, crushing its mask. Before it could dissolve from existence, I brought my zanpakuto down, splitting the hollow's disgusting body in half. The same disgusting body that dare lay its hands on Rangiku.

This was Aizen's doing. Without a doubt.

The hollow's corpse dissolved into the air, as the members of squad ten gathered around me.

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