Part Twenty One

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It was hard to pretend to ignore that Gin was standing right in front of me.

But it was harder to pretend to ignore the horrific pain of that needle.

The minute Captain Kurotsuchi stabbed the needle into my neck, I let out a sharp cry.

Not wanting to scream to the world, I clenched down on my teeth hard.

It felt as if the needle had suddenly extended itself inside my neck. Must be the poison.

And then when I felt the pull of my blood being sucked out, I let out another cry.

A new pair of footsteps were had now appeared into the room.

When Captain Kurotsuchi finally took the needle out of my neck, I let out a sigh of relief. I opened my eyes, seeing that Gin had not moved even a bit, as with his smug expression on his face.

I touched the sensitive spot where Captain Kurotsuchi had stabbed the needle in, but there was nothing. No blood. No hole. Nothing.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I turned my head to Captain Kurotsuchi, his back faced to me as he asked a shinigami.

"C-captain, s-s-ssomeone broke-

-Speak with a clearer tone or I'll have you regret leaving your post! What is it?"

"Someone, or something, just broke into the Department of Research and-" the shinigami wasn't able to finish his sentence before Captain Kurotsuchi moved in front of him. I still couldn't see the face of this shinigami. But I could sense that he was frightened of Captain Kurotsuchi.

"You fools! How stupid you all are! You are fired the minute we get back there! How can you let someone break into my precious research! None of you are to be trusted! In fact, I think I will fire you all-"

"Captain. We should head back quickly." Nemu appeared, speaking in her monotone voice.

"Shut up, Nemu! How dare you interrupt me!"

"My most sincere apologies, Captain. I'll take care of business here while you go on ahead."

"Hmph!" I watched Captain Kurotsuchi give Nemu the syringe, before grabbing the terrified shinigami and disappearing.

"Yare yare. Capt'n Kurotsuchi sure is scary." Gin said.

"My Captain is a good man." Nemu said as she ejected my blood into a test tube that she pulled out of no where.

"Yes, yes. But a creepy one at that too." Gin added.

"Rangiku. We will get you your results by tomorrow." Nemu said.

"Thank you, Lieutenant Kurotsuchi."

"Captain Ichimaru."


Nemu approached Gin, pulling out a flask that contained a light blue from her shihakushō.

"Rangiku needs to drink this. It will limit her pain to the point where she'll be able to walk."

"Why thank ya, Nemu." Gin took the flask from her.

And then she disappeared from my sight.

"Open your mouth." Gin said.

I complied, allowing Gin to pour the liquid into my mouth. It was sweet, thank god for that.

The Promise (Bleach: Gin x Rangiku)Where stories live. Discover now