Part Thirteen

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Gin? Why did Head Captain call him forward?

I watched him stride to a position in front of the Head Captain.

"As you all know, our well respected Captain of Squad 3, Tadashi Nomura, was murdered a few days ago. Captain Kurotsuchi and Captain Unohana are working on the case, but it seems is is one similar to the past killings of the previous Captains of Squad 10. Through this tragedy as we mourn our loss, we must keep moving forward for the good of the Soul Society.

Squad Three is now in need of a new Captain. A few days ago, soon after the murder of Tadashi Nomura, I asked all Captain's to request a Soul Reaper worthy and responsible enough to become a Captain. Of course, each recommended their Lieutenant. But every Lieutenant denied, loyal to their Captain.

But Captain Sōsuke, Captain Tōsen, and our previous Captain of Squad 6, Ginrei Kuchiki, have all recommended Gin Ichimaru as the new Captain of Squad 3. Now, if any of you have objections to this, speak now."

My eyes widened at the realization.

Because Isshin became Captain, did the murderer target another Captain? Was what I told Isshin really true; he wouldn't be killed?

I felt an uncomfortable chill creep throughout my entire body as the room was silent. No one objected to Head Captain's offer, as everyone kept their thoughts to themselves.

I had thought that Captain Kurotsuchi or Captain Kenpachi would say something since they were awfully talkative, and since Captain Kurotsuchi complained alot, but they too stayed silent.

"Then it is decided."

The doors were swung open as two soul reapers walked in, both of them holding a white captain's haori.

"Gin Ichimaru. Are you prepared to take full responsibility of Squad 3 and its actions?"


"Are you prepared to protect the Soul Society even if it costs you your life?"


"Are you prepared to fulfill your role as Captain with no exceptions at all?"


As Head Captain continued to question Gin, I stood there wondering why the new Captain Kuchiki didn't go through this kind of questioning. Maybe it had to do with the noble blood Byakuya had. Or maybe because his grandfather obviously trusted him enough to just willingly give him the position as Captain.

I watched the two soul reapers drape the Squad 3 haori over Gin, before bowing and exiting the room.

And then the room erupted into applause.

"Ya did amazing back there, Rangiku! Way to get a hold of yourself!" Isshin pulled me into a tight bear hug, patting my head. I laughed, hugging him back, as I watched all the captains and lieutenants in the room congratulating the new captains.

"Rangiku." I calm and deep voice said. I pulled away from Isshin to turn around and see the kind face of the Captain of Squad 13.

"Captain Ukitake!" I said in surprise. He was beautiful, even though he was deathly ill. And he had the most beautiful silver hair ever..

"Congratulations on becoming Lieutenant-" before he could finish his sentence, he let out a series of painful coughs, as I watched him cough out blood even though he tried to cover it with his arm. My eyes widened.

"Oh my gosh. Are you okay, Captain?" I reached out to help him, but he grabbed my hands. I was surprised at how hot yet soft his hands were, and how gentle his grip was.

The Promise (Bleach: Gin x Rangiku)Where stories live. Discover now