Part Three

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I made my way into the library with few limitations. Of course, since this ceremony would start soon, there were no Soul Reapers in here.

And I had thought that I would encounter Aizen as soon as I stepped foot into the library, but I was surprised he wasn't here yet.


Speak of the devil.

"What are you doing here?"

I turned around, seeing Aizen's frame shadowed in the doorway.

"Ain't it obvious, Capt'n?" I grinned.

Aizen stepped forth, adjusting his glasses on his face.

That bastard doesn't even need glasses.

"Hm. You're right."

I frowned, thinking it would have taken more than that to get him to tell me.

"There is a prophecy that states that a child will be born of unmatchable strength. And that child will be reborn again every ten thousand years." Aizen started, walking around the library, scanning through the books on the shelves.

"That spirit, has existed since the beginning of time. This spirit should appear at any time now, regardless of the age - and I plan on using its power to succeed my plans."

"Hm? So whadda ya doing in here, Capt'n?"

"I've come to retrieve a book."

"A book?"

"A book of the history of Soul Society."

"What use would ya have for a book like that, Capt'n?"

Aizen just stared at me, a smirk forming on his face.

"You will see in time, Gin."

I let out an exasperated sigh, rubbing the back of my head as I turned around.

Aizen's a tough one to crack.



"The ceremony has just begun."

"Well, I guess it is that time."

Aizen was hinting something.

I turned back around to face Captain Aizen, glancing down at the spot where his zanpakuto should be.

I grinned.

"My, my, Captain. How very clever of you."

Aizen grinned back.

"But if ya don't mind, I would like to sit around for a little bit." I said, pulling out a chair and relaxing into it.

Aizen gave me a blank look.

"You won't ask me for permission to help?" Aizen questioned.

"'course not, Capt'n. If ya needed my help, ya would'ave said so a while ago." I smirked.

Aizen's grin reappeared.

"This is why I took a special interest in you, Gin."

Too bad I don't like you at all, Captain.

I let out a laugh before Aizen turned around, making his way deeper into Squad One's Library.

My mischievous grin dispersed into a frown as I continued to relax, allowing my head to flop back in an awkward angle most would find creepy.

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