Part Nineteen

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Retsu Unohana


My lieutenant straightened up as I walked into the room.

"Yes, Captain.." She muttered out.

She stood in front of where Rangiku still lay unconscious. A week and a half had passed, and everyday Captain Shiba had come by to visit her for an hour. Even though Rangiku hadn't awakened yet, he would just sit by her side and watch over her, and a few times he even brought paperwork while he stayed by her side. I pitied and respected Captain Shiba. He is a brilliant and smart man who doesn't deserve any of this bad misfortune.

Captain Kyōraku and his Lieutenant Ise even came by once to see Rangiku. Even Captain Zaraki Kenpachi came by to see her, mainly for the sake of his precious little Lieutenant Yachiru.

But Captain Ukitake's unexpected visit surprised me the most. In his current state, which grew worse a few days ago when I was called in to see him, I was surprised that he could walk over here.

"Take a break. I'll watch over her." I told Isane. She nodded, totally out if it as she exited the room, shutting the door behind her.

I walked up to a peacefully sleeping Rangiku. I frowned. The day she became lieutenant was the day she almost died. It sure is dangerous to be a shinigami of captain level.

I hovered my hands over her body, performing kaidō on her internal wounds. She was stable now, but her left lung still experienced failure.

I allowed my reiatsu to flow into her, watching her face as it shifted.

She really was a pretty sight. I could see why Captain Gin Ichimaru took a liking on her.

He also came to see Rangiku everyday. He asked me to not tell her or anyone of this. I chose not to question him and do as he asked instead.

When I finished healing Rangiku for the day, I turned on my heel to walk off.

But I stopped in my steps when I heard shuffling behind me.

I turned my head to see Rangiku moving to sit up.

"Rangiku, don't move-

-ah!" She cried out, clutching her stomach. She let out three consecutive coughs, blood coming out each time.

I walked up to her, gently grabbing her shoulders. I pressed her down on to her back, as I watched her eyes try to focus on my face.

"Its best if you don't move around that much." I smiled down at her.

"Ca-Captain Unohana?"

"Hush, Rangiku. Let me heal you again."

Her eyes widened before she shut them, relaxing. Her breathing was short and rapid again as she took some desperate gasps for air. I took my hands from her shoulders and placed them on her stomach. I peeled back her bandage, seeing a nasty bruise forming.

I hovered my hands over her stomach, allowing my reiatsu and Rangiku's to mix together to stop the bleeding.

Ten minutes later Rangiku's breathing turned back to slow and steady.

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