Part Eighteen

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"Captain Ichimaru. A moment, please." Aizen requested once we left the meeting room. Captain Tōsen was already with him, his faithful left hand.

I followed Aizen out of Squad One. He opened the door to an empty barrack in Squad Nine, pretty sure, locking the door behind him after letting us in.

"I have to give Byakuya Kuchiki credit. I hadn't expected him to assume that so quickly." Aizen said, smiling.

"Hm. I was impressed myself." I agreed. I had to pretend I was interested in this.

Ah. So this was Aizen's doing. Not surprising.

But my patience was wearing on a sliver of a thread. He hurt Rangiku. Whether he intended to or not.

"What'll we do, Captain?" Tōsen asked.

"Nothing. He isn't a threat to us right now. But the second he is-"

Aizen's attention turned to me.

-I want you to end him, Gin." Aizen said.

I rose my eyebrows in surprise.

"Course, Captain Aizen. Whatever you say." I grinned.

"As for the hollow.. My apologies for not telling you both this and alarming you instead. I sent it to end a threat to me." Aizen said. I tensed.

"Shichiro Hattori or Rangiku Matsumoto?" Tōsen asked. Thank you, Kaname. I would have asked Aizen that myself but Aizen would grow more suspicious of me than he already is.

"Neither. The hollow was supposed to end the life of Naomi Hattori. Shichiro and Rangiku just happened to get in the way. What a shame."

"What did Naomi Hattori do, Captain Aizen?" Tōsen asked. Aizen's smile grew wider as he scoffed.

"She found out my true intentions and threatened to expose me."

"How, Captain Aizen?" I asked. I knew he was lying. I just wanted to hear his excuse.

"You both don't know this. I suppose I could tell you." Aizen sighed.

"Naomi is my sister. She has been working for me, longer than you both have, and has done all my dirty work. Up until now."

I saw Kaname frown in response as I kept my steady smirk & squint.

"Your sister?"

"Yes, Kaname. She is my sister."

"I can see the resemblance now that I think 'bout it." I commented. Aizen chuckled.

"Thank you, Gin. I want you to do something for me that the Hollow could not."

"And what is that, Capt'n Aizen?"

"I want you to end the life of Naomi. I trust you can make a simple and easy kill without creating a huge mess."

I frowned. Killing Naomi, hm?

"Im afraid I can't do that, Capt'n Aizen."

Aizen's eyes rose in surprise, then narrowing his eyes slightly at me.

"And why is that?" 

"Why, I feel very uncomfortable killing the dear little sister of the Capt'n Aizen. Its like killing the girl version of you, Capt'n." I spoke.

"Hm. Alright then." Aizen seemed skeptical at first before dismissing whatever thoughts were floating around in his messed up head.

"I suppose you feel the same as Gin does too, Kaname?"

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