Part Twenty Seven

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Rangiku Matsumoto

a few hours before the incident

"What is going on between you and Captain Gin Ichimaru?"

My eyes widened slightly at his question.


Isshin grinned. "You're lyyyyiiiing."

I shut my eyes, shaking my head.

"I'm serious. Nothing."

"You're a pretty good liar, Rangiku. But you can't fool me. Tell me! I'm curious." Isshin grabbed my ankles, pulling me down.

"Hey!" I yelped, kicking his hands away.

"Are you sure you and Gin aren't engaged?"

"Yes, Captain, I am sure." I snapped.

"Are you two dating then?"


"Then what?"

"Were just... friends."

"Really close friends, I can tell. Friends with benefits, that kind of thing?"

I groaned in annoyance. "No offense, Isshin, but you are the last person I'd ever tell about things like this."

Isshin pouted. "Aw. Why?" He asked, pretending to be all sad.

"Because you act stupid! Like you are right now!"

"I'm not stupid. Just curious about the life of my sweet, sweet Lieutenant." Isshin gave me a creepy grin.

"Well your sweet, sweet Lieutenant says no way. Its my life, I'm not going to tell you about it." I snapped.

"Alright. Then let me ask you a different question. And I want you to answer it honestly." Isshin's creepy grin disappeared as his voice lowered.

I frowned, suspicious of what he was going to say. But I guess I would give him a chance, since I frankly do not want to talk about my relationship with another Captain to my Captain.


"Why did you want to become a Soul Reaper?"

I frowned.

To see Gin again.

"To become strong."

"Your skills before you joined the academy proved that you were already strong."

I didn't say anything.

"Tell me, Rangiku. Who taught you?"

"I lived in a harsh environment. I had to learn how to defend myself."

"Hm." Isshin smiled suspiciously.

"I'm serious."

"Fine, fine. I want you to do something for me then."


"Stop drinking."

I frowned. I hadn't known that he knew I was.

But of course he would know. He's my Captain.

"I'm not a drunk if that's what you're implying."

"Then what are you doing sneaking off in the middle of the night?" He smirked. He knew he got me.

I sighed. "I'm drinking buddies with Captain Kyōraku and a few other people.."

"Aha! I knew it!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2016 ⏰

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