Part Sixteen

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"Hachiro. If you would please leave us." I dismissed him. Hachiro bowed his head to me before walking out of the room, but I saw him look back at me with a worried look on his face.

Once he was out of sight, Naomi stepped foot inside the room, then shutting the door and locking it behind her.

"Naomi? Why d'ya look so tense?" I asked with a small smile. I was kind of worried. I've known Naomi for a while and trusted her, but I've never seen her this panicked all these countless years I've known her.

"I-ive just done something terrible, Gin."

I rose my eyebrows, curious.

"Have ya now? Do tell." Naomi approached me slowly, her eyes in a daze. She was a mess. I could even see the dry tears on her cheeks. She was crying?

"I-its Aizen."

My eyebrows shot up even more, as I grinned.

This sounds interesting.

"Aizen, eh? Keep talkin."

"The murders of all those Captains... It wasn't him."

My grin turned into a frown.

"Waddya mean?" Strange. I've never heard of this. Wait, how did Naomi know of this?

"H-he.. He's my brother. Aizen is my brother. And he's been forcing me into doing his dirty work for years.. I just can't.."


I looked at Naomi. Now that I think about it, she does resemble him quite a bit.

I never expected this of her.

"Why're ya tellin' me all this?" I asked her.

Naomi's eyes widened slightly as she took in a shaky breathe.

"I- Aizen came to me before I came here. He asked me to do his.. bidding. But I told him I was done. And then he threatened to hurt the people I care about..."

"Why didn'tcha come ta me earlier 'bout this?" I asked her.

"I didn't want to involve you in this Aizen mess."

I smirked. Too late for that. Way too late for that.

"What if I told Head Captain of your crimes?" I asked her.

Naomi shook her head.

"You won't. Because someone's already on to me."

I was in front of her in a split second, my frame towering over hers.

"You've already told someone of your crime?" I asked so calmly. Naomi jumped.

"No, she was there. She overheard mine and Aizen's conversation."

"Your brother." I clarified. That would definitely take me some time getting used to.

"I- I prefer to not refer to Aizen as my brother. I'm ashamed of his sins."

"Hm. And who is this "she"?" I asked, leaning against my desk now.

At that moment Naomi's eyes clamped shut as she shook her head. I could see a single tear escape her shut eyelids as I continued to watch her suffer before me. Her hands were clenched into fists and her jaw was locked hard as she looked like she was battling her thoughts.

And then she tilted her head up to me, opening her shut eyes.

Her brown eyes were glassy and full of guilt and regret. Her expression was one mixed of fear and sorrow as she looked at me.

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