Part Twenty Three

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Third Person

"Hm. How interesting." Aizen Sōsuke smiled, looking at the screen before him.

"What is it, Captain?" Kaname Tōsen approached the screen.

"Our dear Lieutenant of Squad 10 running into my hollowfied shinigami.. I wonder how this will play out."

"She will die. There is no chance for her survival." Kaname concluded.

"What a pity. And it will be at the hands of the hollow in which almost killed her." Aizen said before turning around in his chair, facing a silent dark figure that was leaning against the wall.

"What do you think, Gin?" Aizen grinned at the figure.

Gin emerged from the shadows, his sharp features coming out into the light. His eyes were still narrowed into slits, that same mischievous smirk played on his lips.

"I'm sure ya wouldn't like ta hear what I think, Capt'n."

"Oh, but I do. Because I know that she holds a special place in your heart." Aizen's grin seemed to grow wider.

Gin's smirk wavered a bit.

Aizen seemed to sense the tension in the air, letting our a chuckle.

"Don't worry, Gin. I won't hurt her. Intentionally."

"Ah, where has the time gone? I have ta go back, they're expecting me." Gin smirked, turning on his heel.

"You wont be staying to see how the fight turns out?"

"Its as Tōsen said, Capt'n. There's no chance she'll survive." And with that Gin disappeared into the shadows.

Aizen turned his attention back to the screen, the unwavering smile still plastered on his face.

On the screen, the hollowfied shinigami and Rangiku had started their dance.

"Captain Aizen. May I ask you something?"

"What is it, Kaname?" Aizen said, keeping his eyes on the screen.

"What are you looking for?"

Aizen turned his head to Kaname. While his eyes narrowed a little bit, that same smile was still permanent on his face.

"It's not what I'm looking for. It's who I'm looking for."

"Who?" Kaname asked, confused.

"The prodigy."

Kaname frowned. He chose not push Aizen anymore as they both turned their attention back on to the screen.


Kira Izuru sat up in an instant, his steel blue eyes widening at the uncomfortable and overwhelming feeling he suddenly felt.

He rushed out of the room, running to the direction he felt the strange energy coming from. What made him more uneasy was Rangiku's reiatsu spiking.

He had to hurry. If he let Rangiku get injured, or die, his Captain would never forgive him. After all, the only reason Captain Ichimaru sent him with Rangiku was to look after her and keep her out of danger. Which Kira failed to achieve.

Kira picked up his feet as he ran faster, the souls of West Rukongai staring at him as he sprinted through the street, leaving a trail of dust behind him.

He stopped in his tracks when he saw the sight before him.

A hollow like creature that had the appearance of a shinigami had its back to Kira. The hollowed shinigami stood before a kneeling and injured Rangiku.

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