Part Twenty Four

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"Gin. Its me. I need your help." A hell butterfly landed on my shoulder as I exited the west gate of the Seireitei.

Hachiro followed close behind me as I used shunpo to get to Rangiku as quickly as possible.

As I passed through the West Rukon districts, I sensed a surprisingly high reiatsu. I thought that I should maybe check out whoever this was releasing too much of their reiatsu, or maybe even send Hachiro to investigate.

But the matter at hand was more important.

As we neared where Rangiku's and Kira's reiatsu was coming from, a villager stood in front of us, blocking our path.

A creepy looking villager. It had a zanpakuto at its side. A shinigami sent to spy on us, probably.

I could just simply walk past him, or go on the roofs, but I wanted to hear what he'd say.

His eyes widened when he saw my face, then glanced nervously at Hachiro behind me.

"A-are you with the woman?" He asked.

"Yes. Now if you would please get out of the way, sir." Hachiro said, walking up next to me.

The villagers started to crowd around us.

"She saved our lives."

"Yes. I understand that. Now let us pass to go help her." Hachiro's tone was now more demanding.

"I-I can't." At this moment white liquid poured out of its mouth, ears, anything on his face with a hole.

Another one of Aizen's failures. He had lost this shinigami during the testing. And now here he was, disguised poorly, after me. Probably because I was there when tests were performed on him.

I watched him transform before me with a grin, as the rest of the villagers screamed and ran away.

"Captain.." Hachiro called to me nervously.

I drew my zanpakuto, pointing it at the transforming shinigami. Best to take care of it before it fully becomes a hollow.

"Shoot to kill, Shinso." The blade pierced right through the shinigami's head. I withdrew the blade as the shinigami's cries of terror dispersed as he fell to the ground. Dead.

I sheathed my zanpakuto, feeling Hachiro staring at me.

"That was incredible, Captain." He praised me.

I smirked. "That took too long. I expected'ja ta take care of this right away."

"S- sorry, Captain. I was in shock of what was happening before me." Hachiro bowed his head in embarrassment.

"'Course ya were. Let's go. We've spent too much time foolin' around." And with that I used shunpo to where Rangiku and Kira were.


I smelled blood before I saw her.

She was leaning against a tree, and I saw Kira laying on her lap unconscious.

And she was covered in blood.

I was in front of them in a second, Hachiro loyally standing next to me.

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