Part Eleven

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I woke up in a jolt, unaware I had completely passed out.

I heard shuffling behind me as I turned around, my vision still groggy, to see Naomi frantically cleaning up the office, almost as if she was moving out.

"Finally, you're up, dummy." Naomi said, looking back at me briefly before resuming her cleaning.

"How long was I-

-two hours. I decided to be nice and let you sleep." She said.

I yawned.

"Why're ya cleaning, Captain?"

I saw Naomi wince at the mention of the word 'captain'. I watched her curiously as she stood there with her back to me for a few more moments.

And then she turned to face me, her expression neither happy or sad. It was hard to read, and I squinted at her to try to read her face more clearly.

"Isshin Shiba is now Captain of Squad 10. So please, I ask of you one last time, to not call me Captain." Naomi said as she turned to face me, a frightening smile on her face.

My eyes widened. I had forgotten about Isshin, my thoughts were focused on Gin and his stupid words.

"Captain." I said.

Naomi glared at me. "I told you not to call me that anymore."

"I just want you to know that even if you aren't Captain anymore, you'll always be captain in my heart." I said to lighten the mood. And I really did mean it.

"Rangiku, I was never Captain."

"Well, you acted like one." I smiled.

"I had to watch out for you crazy kids. I felt like a babysitter."

"Exactly! Captains are the squad members babysitter. But I prefer mother or father figure. Or big brother or sister, perhaps."

"I was never Captain!"

I just laughed in response, walking up to her and wrapping her small frame in my arms, squeezing her tight.

"Rangiku.. You're freaking boobs..." Naomi gasped out. I let go of her, giving her an apologetic smile. Naomi surprisingly smiled in return, but her gaze turned to something behind me, her smile shrinking slightly.

Before she broke out into a full grin.

She shoved me to the side as I had to catch myself from falling, as I watched Naomi walk up to Isshin and hug him.

I briefly saw the frightened look on Isshin's face turn to happiness as he accepted captain's hug, tears welling in his eyes.

What a cry baby.

"Captain!!!" Isshin cried out.

I winced as I heard and witnessed the loud smack of Naomi's hand on Isshin's face.

"You fool! I am not a Captain!" She snapped, causing Isshin to cower at her small but fearful frame.

"S-sorry, Miss Naomi." Isshin said.

Naomi sighed, as she took a step back.

And then she bowed to him.

"No, I'm sorry, Captain Isshin. I shouldn't have screamed at you. Please forgive me." Naomi said.

I grinned like a fool before erupting into laughter.

I saw their heads snap to me, Isshin's wide in amusement as Naomi just glared at me in confusion, as I held my stomach to slightly control my fits of laughter.

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