Minishaw #1

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So I had a request for minishaw but no specifics so imma jus do fluff sorry but I can't write anything sad unless there's a happy ending. Hope you like this!
Harry's pov
I was rushing around the flat trying to clean up the messes left behind by the others. Normally I wouldn't care but today Simon was coming over to film some collabs specifically the chubby bunny challenge for my channel.
I'm going to tell him how I feel in that video...
-time skip cuz I can-
Simon texted me saying that he was on his way up and the more I thought about the video the more nervous I got. Then I heard the knock on the door.
I opened the door to see Simon smiling widely at me and motioning me to hug him. I gladly accept and hug him tightly.
"Hey so how bout we film that video?" he says awkwardly as I'd been hugging him for over a minute.
-during video-
It was my final turn it was now or never.
"I have a crush on you!" I try to say but is sounds more like "I will try to mush you!"
"What?" Simon says.
I repeat myself twice more until I know he's heard it. His face goes blank and he tells me to repeat it one more time.
My face drops and I stand up and slowly walk away. He doesn't try to stop me so I lock myself in my room and lay on my bed thinking to myself how stupid I was to tell him how I felt.
About 20 minutes later I hear him walking around probably cleaning up the mess from our videos, and then he leaves. I hear the door close softly and silent sobs wrack my body.
He didn't even try to talk to me. he hates me I know it. I should just leave save myself the embarrassment when everyone else finds out.
Robotically I move to my wardrobe and stuff some clothes in a bag. Then I get on my computer and find the next flight to Guernsey. I leave in two hours I should be gone before anyone notices, however I decide to leave a note so they don't worry...not that they'll care after Simon tells them I like him.
I'm going back to Guernsey. If you're confused I'm sure you'll find out why soon enough.
I understand that you're going to hate me. I'll be back a few times to get my stuff but then I'll be gone.
-3 hours later-
Cal Freezy's Pov-
I get back to the flat around 5:30 and it's silent and all the lights are off. I'm slightly confused as normally around this time Harry would be eating or recording and it wouldn't be this quiet. I'm now worried and go to Harry's room only to find it a complete mess clothes thrown everywhere all of his stuff messed about and a picture of him and the rest of the sidemen ripped up.
I look around for any clue to what had gotten into him when I see a note on his pillow. It reads-
I'm going back to Guernsey. If you're confused I'm sure you'll find out why soon enough.
I understand that you're going to hate me. I'll be back a few times to get my stuff but then I'll be gone.
All I could think about was what did he do that we could possibly hate him for? I tried calling a few times but all of my calls went to voicemail straight away.
The only other thing I could think to do is to pay Simon a visit to see what the hell was going on.

Part 2 will be written soon I promise love you all 😊❤️❤️❤️ xx

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