Good cop part 2

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Yay! Another collab with UmbreTheWriter had fun writing for you peeps!
Simon's POV-

I walked out to my car and thought to myself, "What have I gotten myself into? I just had sex with a criminal! I could never tell anybody this had happened. As far as they know, Lachlan hadn't even been there." I thought about the previous night all the way back to the station. My brain didn't want to accept that I was falling for him. Opening the door, a blast of cold air hit my face. "How did the OP(operation) go, Mr. Minter?" My boss asked from his spot at the table. "It went well! I secured the warehouse, so we don't have to focus there anymore." I replied. "Good, was "the blur" obtained?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow. "No sir. He wasn't there. Only two high guards who had no information." I responded. "Alright Mr. Minter. Your shift is over. We will call for you if we require your services again." My boss said and I let out a sigh of relief. Thank God for that.

-Time skip to house-

I lay in bed, trying to find some way to fall asleep. My thoughts wrested with one another. Everything about that man was more beautiful than I could ever be. His hair was blonder. His eyes are bluer. Hell, the guy was taller than I was, and I'm over 6 feet tall! I was snapped out of my thoughts as I heard a tapping on my window. I turned my head quickly and was shocked to see those bright blue eyes staring back at me. I rid to the window and open it. "What the hell are you doing here? And how did you find my house?!" I said in a panicked tone. "Shut up! Somebody will hear us!" Lachlan whispered, putting a finger over his lips. He took no time in climbing through the window and into my house. I felt the heat rush to my face as the man in front of me looked me up and down. "Stop staring at me like that!" I shouted defensively. His face flushed and he looked down at his feet. Lachlan slowly started inching closer to me and was soon wrapping his arms around me. "I missed you." He whispered in my ear. "I saw you yesterday." I reminded him. The taller boy simply hummed and squeezed my waist tighter. I could feel my arms snake around his shoulders. I tilted my head up and pecked his lips while he rubbed my lower back slowly. I broke away and yawned still tired from the previous night's activities.

"You having troubles sleeping, babe?" A silky-sweet voice sounded in my ear, making me shiver. I nodded weakly in response and pressed my face into his shoulder. I could feel the taller man lift me from the ground and place me on my bed as he lay beside me. "Why are you doing this?" I asked after a moment of silence. He kept quiet for a minute looking like he was having an internal debate of whether or not to tell me. He sighed and looked me in the eyes before whispering, "Because I think I'm falling for you." He quickly say at the end of my bed with his head in his hands mumbling about how dumb he was for telling me. I remained still and quite for a few seconds before moving so I was hugging the Australian. "I think I am too." I yawned and lay my head against his warm chest. Breathing in, I could smell the sweet smell of peppermint. I could hear Lachlan's heartbeat quicken as I snuggled against him. I eyelids slowly fell until I was in a deep sleep. Awoke feeling refreshed and content. Until I realized Lachlan was no longer laying behind me. I frowned slightly and reached for my phone. I felt a paper on top and retracted my hand to look at it. On the paper it said- "Good morning sweetheart! Don't be late for work today. I will be lying low today, so don't worry about me getting caught by your co-workers today! I will be back here about an hour earlier than yesterday.Love you!-The Blur <3"I smiled as I read the note over and over, rubbing my thumb over the heart he had drawn for me. Glancing at the clock, I realized I that work started in 15 minutes. I hurried to put on my uniform and started my car. I smiled to myself as I drove to work. When I got inside I was immediately called into my bosses office. I got inside and he said, "We have a lead on 'the blur'." The smile dropped from my face. "W-What is it sir?" I asked, forcing a normal expression. "We have heard that he is currently laying low in that grandiose house down by the bay. We need you to apprehend him. If needed, we will call in a team to back you up." My boss ordered. I nodded, thanked him, and entered my car feeling as if my heart had been shattered. I clambered into my car mechanically. My entire body felt heavy with hurt and I just wanted to run away with Lachlan and never look back. Arriving at the house, I could smell the stale scent of peppermint. I slowly walked out of my car and to the front door. To my surprise, it was unlocked. I pushed open the door to reveal a tall Australian staring fearfully back at me. "Lachlan, we need to leave here." I told him. He nodded slowly and told me he needed to show me something. His eyes were glazed over as he moved quietly through the house with me trailing behind. We came to a stop in front of a light blue door, he turned and looked at me before pushing it open to reveal a dimly-lit tunnel.I gripped his hand and leaned on his for support. "I always had this in case I needed to escape from something." He murmured softly. "You aren't escaping from this alone. I'm here." I reassured him, bringing a smile to his face. He turned to face me and held my other hand. "Are you sure you want to run with me and leave everything behind?" He asked. I looked into his blue eyes and said, "I've never been more sure of something." He smile softly at me pecked my cheek and we began walking. Until it occurred to me that eventually they'd send backup and they would find the tunnel!"Lachlan what if they find the tunnel?" I asked in a panic."They won't." He said coolly. "But how?" I said clearly confused.

"Just trust me ok?" He asked, beginning to walk a little bit faster as I walked in step next to him. I could hear the distant wail police sirens approaching the house. "Lachlan..." I worriedly said, looking at the Australian."We're going to have to run. If you hear and loud noises behind us, ignore them." Lachlan ordered. He began to run through the tunnel with me behind him. We reached a bend in the tunnel with a bright, red button. Lachlan pressed it and I heard rumbling as the tunnel began to collapse behind us. We break into a run. Sprinting through the dark twisting tunnel. I look at Lachlan who was just ahead of me and think to myself, I would do anything for him. I think I love him. I smile and run faster so I'm running alongside him. We soon come to a door that looked like it hadn't been used in a very long time. He grabbed a key out of his pocket and then reached for my hand and laced our fingers together. He unlocked the door and pushed it open. We entered an almost identical room to the one we came in. Lachlan turned to me and pecked me on the lips. "We are at the other side of town. There is a train just over the hills we can stowaway on and escape this life forever." Lachlan promised me. I pressed my forehead to his and hugged him. "I've fallen for you." I whispered to him. "I've fallen for you too." Lachlan replied.

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