Thorpe Park Proposal

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Minizerk- Thorpe park proposal

Josh's pov~
I woke up to a tickling feeling on my nose and a slight pressure on my chest. I looked down to find my boyfriend of four years curled up asleep with a fistful of my shirt in his hand as if he was afraid I'd leave. I smiled and ran my fingers through his hair gently as he slowly started to wake up.
"Hey Si," I whispered.
He groaned in response.
"Ready for Thorpe Park today?"
At this he opened his eyes and flashed me a cheeky smile.
"Of course I'm ready!" He said with child like excitement.
I ruffled his hair before making my way to the bathroom to shower.
I'd been in the shower for about five minutes when I heard the bathroom door open and then close a few seconds later. I peeked out of the curtain to see Simon getting ready to get in with me and quickly pulled the shower curtain closed again as he turned around. I went back to washing my hair as I felt his long skinny arms wrap round my waist and his head rest on my shoulder. I turned around and peck his lips before continuing to wash up.
We got out of the shower and began to get ready to go downstairs with the others.
I finished getting ready and walked over to my bed where Simon was waiting for me scrolling through Twitter.
"Hey Si," I smiled.
"Hi Joshua" he winked at me. I leaned down to kiss him quickly and told him to meet me down stairs.
As soon as he left I went to my dresser and dug out a small blue velvet box that held a simple silver ring.
-time skip to Thorpe park-
We had just gotten off the first ride of the day when Simon and I decided to go get something to eat. Once we had our food we found a secluded table by swarm.
Little did he know that our friends were already there recording everything that was about to happen.
We ate in comfortable silence and when we got up to leave I "tied my shoe" but really I was getting the ring out. I turned so that I was facing Simon, grabbed his hand and started my little speech.
"Simon we've been together for four years now and I couldn't imagine being with anyone else. I love you now and I'll love you forever. Nothing can change that, so will you do me the honor of being my husband?"
Simon's pov~
Tears welled in my eyes and I nodded my head yes as I didn't trust my voice. He put the simple band on my ring finger and stood up to embrace me in a tight hug.
I heard clapping and cheering and I looked up to see all of my friends holding cameras beaming at Josh and I. Everyone hugged me and congratulated me as we slowly made our way to the next ride.
~time skip~
We arrived back at the house around 12am and most everyone was about ready to pass out including me.
I headed to my room to put on some joggers and a sweatshirt. Then headed over to Josh's (our) room to go to sleep. When I got there he was looking at something on his phone and smiling. I crawled under the covers and looked at what he was looking at, it was a picture of us today after he'd proposed.
I turned his face toward mine and kissed him on the lips slowly before saying goodnight and curling up against his chest. He kissed the top of my head turned the lights off and wrapped his arms around my skinny torso.
"I love you Si." Was the last thing I heard before falling into the best sleep I've ever had.

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