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Simon's Pov One day from now I turn 18. I can finally find my mate! I couldn't care less if they were male, female, any of it I just wanted my other half to love and hold. Call me cheesy but just because I'm the next alpha doesn't mean that I can't be romantic. My soon to be beta Tanner and I were walking down the hall when I heard laughing and a slight whimper. I quickly and discretely sniffed the air only to smell blood and my gamma Ben. I growled lowly and turned the corner. Ben and two others were standing around someone who was curled up whimpering and bleeding from the many wounds they had inflicted on him. "Ben stand down! NOW" I commanded. He turned and paled. "So Benjamin care to explain what you were doing? Or would your little scum bags like to?" He looked at his feet. "Tanner please go check on the omega." He nodded and went over to him carefully speaking to show he meant no harm even going as far as to show his neck in submission so the small male would let him near. "As I was saying, what the hell do you think you were doing to him? Is it because he's an omega?" No answer. "ANSWER ME GOD DAMN IT I AM GOING TO BE YOUR ALPHA AND I CAN RETRACT YOUR TITLE AS GAMMA IF I FEEL THE NEED!" He shook with fear and the other two whimpered like kicked puppies. "Fine if you won't explain to me you can answer to my father." "No wait! I'll-I'll explain." "Well I'm waiting so start talking." "W-we were beating him because he'" he whispered the last part. "What was that" I said angrily because I hoped I'd heard wrong. "Because he's gay." He answered looking at his feet. "How dare you." I growled through gritted teeth. "You can deal with my father now. All three of you." And without another word I went to find Tanner and the omega. I find them in the bathroom down the hall. Tanner is quietly talking to the boy and rubbing his back gently. I smile lightly seeing him calmed down and walk over he looks up shyly and bows his head. "Why are you doing that?" "B-because y-your t-the n-n-next alpha." He stuttered. "It's only a title it doesn't matter that much, and please call me Simon in our pack we don't use titles to threaten others. Plus we don't judge you based on your rank." His eyes were wide. "R-really?" I nodded. "What pack are you from?" He lowered his head and shuddered. "Crimson moon." Now it was my turn for my eyes to widen. I look over to Tanner and he has the same expression. The Crimson moon pack was known for being brutal and treating their omegas as slaves. "How old are you?" "16 why?" "Because once you're 16 you can leave your pack and join another if you so choose." "A-are y-you offering m-me to j-join yours?" I nod. "Thank you so much S-Simon and T-Tanner" we both smile softly and hug him gently. "What your name?" "H-Harry". "Ok Harry I will tell my father tonight and we will meet with your alpha this weekend." He smiles weakly and gets off of the sink before stumbling and clutching his head. I catch him and pick him up bridal style. "On second thought we will go there tonight there's no way I'm letting them get you back again." "S-Simon I appreciate that b-but I change my m-mind I can't l-leave my brother h-he's only 5 and an o-omega I h-have to protect h-him" My heart clenched. "Please tell me they don't..." I trailed off. He nodded sadly. "I do my best to protect him but I'm not exactly strong," he tries to laugh lightly but flinches in pain. I frowned. "We will figure something out. I promise." -time skip- My dad and I were on our way to the Crimson moon pack to talk to their alpha about transferring Harry and his brother Alexander from their pack to ours. I was sick to my stomach and hoped that both omegas were okay. We grew closer to the Crimson moon pack and already I could smell the metallic scent of blood and my stomach dropped. I hopped out of the car as soon as it stopped and sniffed the air. I still smelt blood but it was fainter now as though were further away. My father knocked on the door and we waited for Alpha Jay to answer. He did a few moments later and I could sense the anger rolling off him which made me tense. We all headed to his office but as we walked by a door that lead to goddess knows where I could smell Harry's scent faintly I whimpered lowly and kept walking. "So Alpha Jamie what is it that you wanted to talk about." "We came to discuss the transfer of two of your pack members to our pack." Jay tensed and his brows furrowed. "And which two would that be?" "Harry and Alexander Shaw" Their alpha scowled deeply. "I'm sorry Alpha Jamie but you must know the rule about being 16 and older to transfer so you may take Harry but Alexander stays." He spat violently. "Yes I do know the rule, however, Alpha Jah you must also know the rule about family not being separated. Therefore, Alexander may come as well," he spoke calmly. Jay growled and nodded stiffly. "I'll call them in so we can get this shit over with." A few minutes later Harry and Alexander showed up and I nearly lunged at Jay. Harry had a split lip and was shaking while trying to shield his brother behind him. Meanwhile Alexander had tears running down his face and was holding onto Harry's shirt with a vice grip. I slowly stood up and walked over, quickly I brought both of them into a hug and glared at Jay over their shoulders. "I Alpha Jay Rodriguez release Harry and Alexander Shaw from the Crimson moon pack." He recited through gritted teeth. "I Alpha Jamie Minter accept Harry and Alexander Shaw into the Blue Hills pack." I smiled and began to lead the two shaking figures to the truck where Tanner was waiting with blankets and first aid kits. On the drive home I held Harry to my side while Tanner did the same to Alexander. I looked over and smiled gently he was curled up to Tanner's side sleeping soundly while Tanner slowly carded his fingers through the omegas blond hair. I looked down only to see Harry looking up at me with his big blue eyes. "Can I help you" I say laughing breathily. He blushes and looks away before nudging his head into my side making me smile at him. The rest of the ride was quiet and when we got to the house we carried the two upstairs to a bedroom with two twin beds for the night until rooms for them were sorted out. When I was laying in bed it occurred to me that tomorrow was my birthday which meant that I could finally find my mate! I fell asleep excited for who the moon goddess chose to be mine. -next morning- Blinking I slowly woke up and yawned ready for a day of excitement and fun. I stood up and got dressed before heading downstairs. As soon as I hit the bottom step I was hit with four different smells peaches, pine, fresh cut grass, and lavender. My mind screamed MATES! Wait mates? I stopped I had two mates? But it didn't phase me for long as I now had two people to love unconditionally. I walked into the kitchen only to see Tanner, Harry, Alexander, and my parents. My jaw mates were Tanner and Harry. Neither were 18 yet but their instincts kicked in because I'm a soon to be alpha and in sync the said 'MATE'. I walked over and engulfed both into a hug taking in their scents. Tanner's was the pine and lavender. While Harry's was the peaches and fresh cut grass. Tears of joy filled my eyes as I took a stepped back. "I Simon Minter accept Tanner Hyperion and Harry Shaw as my mates." We took turns accepting each other and when we were done I felt complete. I kissed each of them on the cheek and turned to my parents and Alexander almost forgetting that they were there. My mom looked like she was about to explode from excitement while my dad just smile at me looking quite proud. Alexander well he just looked confused. "Does that mean you are my dads now?" He tilts his head and scrunched his face up. We laugh lightly and go to hug him. "Well that or your brothers," answers Tanner. He looks down sheepishly, "I want you to be my dads except Harry cuz he's my brother." I smile and hug him again and he gives us a lopsided grin before hopping off the stool he's sitting on and hugging my parents. My mom melts and picks him up and my dad gives me a thumbs up. I wrap an arm around each of my mates and think to myself 'this is what I've been waiting for my whole life'.