Brotherly Love

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PrestonxSimon- brotherly love

(In this Simon is 10 and Preston is 6)

Simon's pov~
Preston and I were playing in the backyard lazily kicking a football around and becoming tired in the afternoon sun.
"Wanna go back inside Lava P?" I asked my little brother.
He nodded his head yes as we walked inside to go relax. We walk upstairs to my room and plop ourselves in my bed.
"Si," I heard a soft voice say.
"What's up?"
"Can I tell you a secret?"
"Promise me you won't tell anyone okay," he said holding his pinkie out making me promise I wouldn't tell anyone what he was about to tell me.
"Um I think I have a crush," he stays so quickly that I barely hear him.
"Aww why are you embarrassed?"
"Because mom and dad would send me away if they found out..."
I gasped, "They wouldn't do that Lava P! Who do you like?"
"I like...Rob."
I sat for a second taking in what he'd just told me.
"Preston look at me."
He looked up his chocolate brown eyes wet with tears.
"Hey don't cry it's okay you're still the same brother I was just playing with and talking to! I'm sure mom and dad won't care if you like Rob that's perfectly fine." I rambled on hugging my little brother to me tightly to reassure him that I was there.
"Thank you for not yelling at me."
He yawned and stretched his arms up.
"Can we take a nap now Si?"
"Sure," I smiled softly.
He lied down nuzzling his head into my pillow and curling up under my duvet. I lied down as well and turned the other way and soon fell asleep smiling slightly, happy that I was the first person Preston told.

So sorry it's so short. But I hope you enjoyed it anyways ❤️

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