Valentine's Day Cliche

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Minifreezy- Valentine's Day cliche

Cal's pov~
I woke up reaching my hand out to find Simon, to realize that he wasn't there and the bed was cold. My heart skipped a beat as I sat up and looked around.
My eyes landed on a note on the nightstand. I opened it and it read,
I know you must be wondering where I am but you will have to find me! Head to the kitchen where Harry is waiting with breakfast and your first clue.
Love, Si ❤️
I got up and dressed in some dark jeans and a white t-shirt. Then rushed to the kitchen where Harry sat playing on his phone with a plate of food for me and a small note.
"Morning" he said cheerily.
"Hey" I muttered still half asleep.
I sat down and dug into my food. Once I'd finished I thanked him and started to read my first "clue".
Clue #1
Go the place where we first laid eyes on each other.
I thought for a moment before my eyes widened and I smiled lightly. My first stop would be the sidemen house.
I got into my car and made my way to the next clue. When I arrived I knocked on the door and when it opened Vikk stood there with yet another small piece paper. I opened it and read out,
"Clue #2,
     So you've found the next clue ;) , now go to the place where the stars shine bright and we had the best night."
I blushed and thanked Vikk before heading off to the meadow where we spent a night the previous year looking at the stars and well I think you get the idea.
I arrived about half an hour later, disappointed to see that my handsome boyfriend wasn't there instead it was another note.
Clue #3
Your so close babe! Finally, go to the place where we will live one day.
I gasped and knew immediately where to go.
I arrived at the house Simon an I had been looking at the week before and was surprised to see that the sign said sold and that there were lights on inside.
My phone buzzed in the cup holder and I looked down to see that Simon had texted me.
From: Si <3
Come to the porch.
I got out of my car and went to the porch wondering why in the world we were here. I approached the porch and saw Simon standing there in a full on tux and I suddenly felt underdressed.
He smiled at me and pulled me into a tight hug kissing me lightly.
He pulled away and said,"As much as I love you babe I have more surprises for you. Ready to go inside?"
"This place is ours."
My eyes welled with tears and he laced his fingers with mine and pulled me close. He unlocked the door and we went in.
Inside there were rose petals spread around the floor as well as candles and low music was playing throughout the room. I smiled widely and when I turned to face Simon he was on one knee.
"Cal I know we've only been together for 5 months but I couldn't dream about being with someone else, will you marry me?"
I nodded knowing I'd cry if I spoke.
He slipped the ring on my finger and stood up to kiss me.
All of a sudden cheers erupted from the hall connecting the living room to the kitchen.
I looked around Simon to see everyone crowding the doorway most holding cameras, I blushed and hid my face in Simon's chest I felt it rumble lowly and he laughed.
I smiled and pecked his cheek.
"Thank you for the best Valentine's Day ever."
"Of course, I love you."
"I love you too" I said quietly.

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