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Zerkstar123- neko

Vikk's pov-
I woke to a dim light coming from an unknown source. I tried to stretch my small aching body but was met with cold metal bars.
I mewled quietly as my tail was pressed between my body and the bars of the cage. My stomach growled and I curled up as a searing pain went across it.
It was then that I heard a door opening not far from me. I shrunk back into a ball and made no noise hoping that whoever it was would leave. However, luck was not on my side as a light was switched on and the sheet over my cage was ripped off.
I scrunched up tighter as the person opened my cage and reached inside. They grabbed me roughly and pulled me out. I looked up to see a man with blue eyes, dirty blonde hair, and a pair of strawberry blonde ears on his head along with a look of regret on his face he gently petted my head and sighed to himself.
I silently cried and tears ran down my face as I was carried to another room and put in an even smaller cage wearing only a long white t-shirt that had blood on it from injuries that had reopened.
It was then I realized I was surrounded by other cages each with an Neko inside looking just as sad and injured as me. At the other side of the room a door opened and a man in a suit walked in. He began looking at each of the Nekos before finally coming to a stop in front of my cage.
At this point I was shaking, the cuts on my stomach were stinging and bleeding onto the t-shirt, and tears continued to roll down my face. The door on my cage squeaked open and hands reached in. I scooted as far from them as possible. Unfortunately the cage wasn't that big and I was picked up gently by the man in the suit.
He held me to him firmly before going to find the manager. Once he did his face became stern and he began talking in a low tone.
"How dare you treat these Nekos like this! They do everything for us and yet you have them all in cages with bruises and blood covering their fragile bodies. They're shaking in fear! Can't you see that?"
The man trembled and shook his head.
"Well I do and I expect your keys and all of the businesses papers at my office by morning."
"Yes Mr. Zerker." He bowed his head and disappears into a back room.
Finally the man holding me looks down at me with a sad smile.
"I'm sorry for what they've done to you." He rubbed the tears off my cheeks gently with his thumb and held me tighter.
"My name is josh by the way," he says quickly.
"I-I-I'm V-vikk," I managed to stutter out still calming down from crying.
"Well Vikk how would you like to come live with me? And work here with the other Nekos?"
"I don't know." I replied looking down.
Josh tilted my chin up, "I promise I won't hurt you or any of the others."
I thought to myself before slowly nodding my head yes. He grinned down at me, his hazel eyes shining brightly.
We left the shop soon after and headed to his house. The car ride was quiet only the soft noise of of a piano came through the speakers making me relax and lean my head against the window careful not to squish my fluffy black ear in between and then brought my long tail around my waist.
I was soon being carried into a huge house that looked more like a castle. My eyes widened at the sight and I felt Josh's chest vibrate as he laughed lightly at my reaction.
"Y-you live h-here?" I said clearly still shocked. He nodded and continued to the door where he set me gently on my feet so he could get his keys out.
We walked inside and my eyes lit up with joy at how much room there was and how bright and clean it looked. Josh tapped my shoulder lightly and motioned for me to follow him. I trailed behind him quietly careful not to touch anything and trying not to let blood get anywhere from my shirt. We finally came to a stop in front of two large doors with ornate details on them. Josh pushed them open and I once again became awestruck by the sight in front of me. Clean cream colored carpet covered the floor and a California king bed sat directly across the room between two floor to ceiling windows. To the right was a bathroom and to the left was a walk-in closet and a sitting area. All of the furniture was dark in comparison to the light carpeting, and it was beautiful.
Josh stood smiling lightly at me admiring what I assumed was his room. He walked toward the closet but I stayed where I was so I wouldn't make a mess. He reappeared a few minutes later holding plaid pajama pants and a large black sweatshirt.
"Here you go," he said handing the clothes to me along with a pair of boxers that I hadn't noticed before. He then lead me to the bathroom where he showed me the shower and the large bathtub.
"You can go ahead and take a bath or shower. I'll be downstairs making some food when you're finished."
"Thank you for everything Josh but I really don't deserve this," I muttered the last bit but he still heard it. He walked over to me and hugged me firmly to him before he spoke.
"You do deserve this and if I could I would take care of every Neko out there to make sure they don't get treated like you've been treated. Vikk please look at me."
I looked up at him and he looked down at me.
"I hope you realize that I'm not doing this because I feel pity towards you. I'm doing this because I care about you and every other Neko there and want to make sure you all get treated properly and to help fix the years of abuse and or neglect you've experienced."
I slowly wrapped my arms around him, "thank you so much, this is the first time someone has ever truly cared about me."
He released me and began to walk away. I smiled lightly and decided to take a quick shower. Once of finished I dressed in the clothes Josh has given me only to find out that they were huge and I looked like a walking pile of cloth. I giggled at my appearance before making my way to the kitchen.
I turned the corner and nearly ran right into Josh as he walked toward me with a plate full of food. My stomach growled loudly and I blushed when he laughed lightly.
We sat at the table in the large dining room and ate our food in silence. We finished and I immediately began to collect the dishes Josh stared at me confused with my actions and gently grabbed my wrist turning me toward him.
"Whatcha doin hun?"
I cringed at the nickname and mumbled, "gonna go do the dishes."
"That's why I'm here right?"
He smiles sadly and shakes his head.
"No you're only here to live with me and relax. No working just healing and relaxing," He replies gently brushing his thumb over my knuckles.
"Oh, well I'm still taking these to the sink," I say sticking my tongue out.
He laughs and let's go of my wrist as I walk to the kitchen.
I set the dishes in the sink and smile knowing that I finally have someone who cares about me.
I make my way out of the kitchen and wander around the house searching for Josh. I found him in the living room playing on his phone with the TV on quietly. I sat on the opposite side of the couch and curled up wrapping my tail around me.
I must have been tired because the next thing I knew I was being carried by Josh to his room. I yawned softly and told him I would just sleep on the couch in the sitting area, he of course refused and laid me in his bed before walking to the couch. I felt bad for taking his bed and frowned slightly.
I contemplated whether or not to say we could share, but I was hesitant because of my last owner. However I trusted Josh and there was plenty of room for the two of us.
"Hey Josh?"
He hummed in response.
"Do you um want to come over here and sleep?"
He sat up and looked at me, "Are you sure? I don't want you to feel uncomfortable."
I nodded, "I trust you and there's plenty of room."
He got up, padded over to the bed and flopped down ungracefully letting out a large breath. I smiled lightly and laid down.
Josh's pov~
Vikk's breathing evened out signaling that he was finally asleep. I don't know why but something about him just made me want to hold him and never let go. He's been hurt so many times, I don't want to hurt him I want to help and even though he says he trusts me I can still see that he's hesitant around me.
Suddenly I hear him moving. I look over and see him shivering and curling up tightly. I quickly scoot to his side of the bed and cover him with the duvet before pecking his cheek lightly. I blushed at my action and couldn't believe I'd done it. He smiled in his sleep and lay there contently. I began to move back to my side just as Vikk rolled over and slung an arm over my waist. I tried to move but he had a vice grip as if he was unconsciously afraid I would leave him. I sighed and brought his small fragile body close to my chest and lightly drew patterns on his back, and before I knew it I was drifting off to sleep.
I felt the bed beside me trying to find Vikk but it was empty. I frowned and laid back down soon after I felt the bed dip and my arm being lifted as Vikk curled up against me. Slowly I began to wrap my arms around him as the cold sheets became warm and inviting again. For the second time that night I fell asleep with him in my arms.

A/N hope you all enjoyed this sorry it took so long and I currently working on a part two! So look forward to that very soon :)

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