Survival of the Fittest

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Basically a post apocalyptic oneshot.

Ship(s): poofless and vikklan
Preston's pov~
Running. I loathed the word. I was tired of running. Tired of being afraid. It didn't matter whether I was asleep or awake because fear was always lurking nearby.
I had watched two of my best friends die in each other's arms all because of some stupid apocalypse that started with a supposed "cure" for lukemia. It had worked for awhile but rapidly turned into a deadly disease spreading like a wildfire across the globe. In the years since Mother Nature has reclaimed the earth. Vines covered buildings, trees grew through the concrete, and wild animals roamed the jungle like streets.
Vikk, Lachlan, Rob, and myself have been running for months trying to escape the mutts, hybrids, and mutated. We were currently being chased by a hybrid this one being a mix of a wolf and a jaguar. It was fast and determined to catch us.
Its eyes flashed an angry red before letting out a deep growl only making us run faster. We see the shape of buildings on the horizon and push forward. I see Vikk start to fall behind giving the beast incentive to go faster. My face fills with worry and I immediately shout to Lachlan.
"Lachlan!" He sees my expression and glances over to Vikk's small form. Lachlan begins frantically telling him that we're almost there and that he can do it. Vikk's face is full of fatigue but also determination.
He suddenly releases a burst of energy as we draw nearer to the city. I steal a quick glance at Rob to see him running with no intentions of stopping especially as we're so close to the buildings.
We finally reach the end of the dense forest and the edge of the city. However, we are still being chased. I look around desperately trying to find somewhere for us to go, I see a building not to far off that has an open door that looks like it leads to a stairwell.
I was about to tell the others but realize only Rob is with me and we were no longer being chased. My stomach sank and no sooner had we stopped I heard a piercing scream come from somewhere close. Fear set in I prayed that Lachlan and Vikk were okay as we ran looking down alleyways and in buildings.
We approached a side street and I breathed deeply before peeking my head around the corner. What I saw set me into a panic. Lachlan was sitting covered in blood with Vikk's head on his lap. It was then that I notice the beast that had been chasing us behind Lachlan. Dead. He had killed it but had paid the price. We made our way over to him and he looked up teary eyed and sobbing. He kept whispering to Vikk that he loved him and that it was going to be okay.
Vikk was still alive but injured badly. Lachlan told us what had happened only moments before.
They were running weaving in and out of alleys and in between buildings trying to lose the beast. However, were cornered so Lachlan began to shoot at it. It lunged at them and clawed at Vikk, lacerating his thigh. When it did Lachlan had a clear shot.
I glanced down at his thigh seeing a cloth wrapped tightly around it. He laid there taking slow deep breaths to slow the bleeding but was losing energy fast. We could all see him fading and gathered around him protectively. Tears continued to fall from Lachlan's eyes as we tried to figure out how to help Vikk. Suddenly we hear a slight noise behind us.
I whip my head around and standing a few feet away was a boy. He was no older that 15 and had blonde hair. He was small carried a bag and looked vulnerable.
I drew an arrow from my bag and loaded it into my bow ready to shoot if necessary. He looked up and we saw the fear in his eyes. I immediately set down my bow and met him halfway.
"H-hi," he stuttered quietly.
I looked at him questioningly before asking, "where did you come from? And why come here near us?"
"I w-was hiding a-and saw w-w-what happened t-to your f-friend." He points to Vikk's calm form.
"I c-can help h-h-him if y-you let me."
"How? And what's your name?"
"This b-bag has m-medical supplies and I k-know how to m-make sure it doesn't g-get infected. My name is Harry and I'm 14 and you can ask me anything else just please let me help him." Harry looked up at me almost begging me to let him help. I couldn't say no. He was the only hope of saving Vikk.
-time skip-
It was late and we had set up "camp" in a high rise. Harry managed to properly clean and bandage Vikk's wound as well as make a crude splint to brace it so he could walk.
I was sitting looking through an unbroken window into the almost completely dark outside world when I felt someone sit beside me. I expected to see Rob when I looked over but instead saw Harry.
"What're you doing up kid? You need rest it's been a long day."
"Had a nightmare." He said simply.
I nodded as if saying I understood.
"Thank-you," he says softly.
"For what?"
"Letting me save Vikk and letting me come with you. Saving him was something I couldn't do for my family." Harry stated sadly as he looked outside.
I didn't respond but motioned for him to tell me.
"When the disease started spreading my hometown was one of the first hit. We did our best to survive but eventually my mom, dad, and younger brother caught it. I tried everything I knew t-to save t-them but I c-couldn't." He choked back a sob and I pulled the small boy closer and rested my chin on top of his head.
"There's nothing you could've done Harry, and I'm sure that wherever they are now they know that you did everything you could because you loved them. We are your family now and we owe you our lives for saving Vikk today."
He looked up at me his eyes sparkling with tears, he looked so small and it was then I realized that he was still a kid he had been forced to grow up too quickly so I held him and rocked him back and forth until he fell asleep, and as childish as that may sound he needed it. He was too young to have to face this and we would go through hell and back to protect him.
I slowly got up and went to place him next to Rob who was still awake. I sat down on the other side of Rob and rested my head on his shoulder.
"What happened?" He asks speaking for the first time throughout all of this.
"Harry was telling me about his family, they all had the disease and he tried to save them but he couldn't he was only 10 Rob, no kid should have to do that," I began to get a lump in my throat and Rob pulled me closer kissing the top of my head and rubbing my back soothingly.
"I know LavaP but we're here for him now and everything's going to be okay. Now get some sleep and I'll keep watch."
I nodded and fell asleep.
~another skip (sorry) to morning~
I awoke to find myself laying my head on Rob's chest and Harry curled up to his side in a fetal position still soundly asleep.
I look around to see Vikk an Lachlan talking quietly by the window and just enjoying the time together.
In that moment of peace I knew everything was going to be okay we had each other and a will to survive.

A/N IM SO FREAKING PROUD OF THIS LIKE AHHHH!!!! I've done so many oneshots and this is definitely one of my favorites! <3333 hope you all enjoy it!

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