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Alright so I didn't just want to say "the pack" so I came up with that XD here we go!!!!!!!

Mitch's pov
I've been rushing around the past few days trying to get the house in Florida ready for the rest of the pack. They should all be here within the next few days.
I'm so nervous to be with them all again for about 5 months we've been in a 6 way relationship. We've all been through a ton of crap for it but we are always there for each other and we know we will make it.
-time skip to next day-
Jerome has just texted me saying that him and Preston have landed and are on their way over!
Last night the final thing I did was put two queen beds together in the second living room for us to all sleep on. (just go with it XD ) I had done so many things yesterday that I didn't wake up until I got that text! I quickly got up and went to get ready.
-when Preston and Jerome arrive-
I hear a light knock on the door and run to open it. Standing there is Preston and Jerome both with arms open for a hug.
We do an awkward three way hug and then I lightly peck both of them on the lips before heading inside and showing them where to put their bags. Then I showed them to the makeshift "bedroom".
"Mitch you did all this?" Preston said breathlessly.
"I-I-I don't have any words." Jerome said voice thick with emotion.
I had put rose petals everywhere and candles lit the dim room. I knew it was cheesy but knew they'd love it.
"Hey don't cry biggums it's supposed to make you smile" I say hugging Jerome tightly.
"Hey aren't you forgetting someone?"
"ROB!!!" we all say in unison.
Preston runs to Rob and kisses him like he hadn't seen him in years!
We giggle and go to hug Rob and I give him a quick peck to the cheek before letting him and Preston catch up. Now were just waiting on Vikklan to arrive.
-next day-
Rob's Pov
I woke up to the sound of the door bell ringing and slowly detangled myself from Preston to go and answer the front door.
I open the door and look to see Vikk and Lachlan tiredly leaning against each other.
"Well are you gonna come in or pass out there?" I say sarcastically.
They slowly walk inside drop their bags and ask where they're sleeping so I show them to where the rest of the boys are Vikk's jaw drops at the sight of the rose petals and Lachlan smiles lightly and wraps his arms around both of our waists.
"Why don't we wake everyone up so we can cuddle?" I say half yawning.
They both nod and slowly I shake everyone awake. They see Vikk and Lachlan and are soon all up to greet them with lots of hugs and kisses.
"Why don't we all lay down and rest? I'm kind of tired" Vikk said quietly.
We all agreed and one by one got in bed Mitch on the far left spooning Jerome, Then Lachlan was next holding Vikk tightly to his chest, then me wrapping my arms around both Vikk and Lachlan, and then Preston spooning me from behind.
Most everyone was asleep except for Lachlan who was smiling contentedly at Vikk who was snoring softly from the comfort of the big Australian.
Lachlan looked up and smiled at me and we lean in and slowly kiss before Vikk starts moving in his sleep and Lachlan breaks away to comfort him. He looks up with an apologetic smile but I reassure him by peck info him on the lips before turning over and cuddling into Preston.
-3 hours later-
Vikk's Pov (sorry for changing it so often)
I woke up and looked around to all of the people I love around me sleeping soundly before trying to wiggle out of Lachlan's tight grip to go to the bathroom. Which only results in him hugging me tighter and him shifting in his sleep. I smile slightly and try again to wiggle out of his strong embrace.
This time I'm successful and I'm able to climb out of bed and head to the bathroom.
I return to see Rob and Lachlan having a quiet conversation with each other both still looking very sleepy. I walk back to the bed ad fall dramatically down scaring both of them and then giggle to myself careful not to wake the others.
They playfully glare at me and then start to laugh as well.
"What are you doing up Vikky?" Rob asks in a sarcastic tone.
"I went to the bathroom what do you think I was do......nevermind don't answer that." I said quickly.
My face turned bright red and they both chuckled lightly.
One by one everyone woke up and by the time we're all awake and dressed it's dinner time.
"What do you guys want to eat?" Preston asks softly.
We all shrug until Mitch speaks up.
"There's a diner a few blocks away from here we can go there if you want to."
We all agreed and got ready to head out.

I'll do a part two to conclude and explain the date! Love you all ❤️
Also thank you for understanding why I haven't been updating frequently :)

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