That Day

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Another Transgender Simon one shot! Hope you all enjoy (also apologies if I screw up some of the terminology feel free to correct me if I'm wrong!)

Ship: minifreezy

Simon's pov~
Looking in the mirror I think to myself most girls would kill to have my figure. Most girls would be jealous of my life, but I wasn't "most girls" in fact I wasn't even a girl, at least inside...

-a few days later-

It was now Saturday and I had invited my best friend Cal over to spend the day with me. He was the only one who knew I was trans and agreed to help me transform into who I really was. Simon.
He arrived around 1 and our first stop was to get my shoulder length hair cut. When we were done there we were off to the shops to get me some new clothes.
By the end of the day I was wearing new clothes, a binder , and had my haircut and now I was standing outside with Cal taking a deep breath, readying myself to face my dad. I turned the knob and walked in quietly shutting the door behind me.
I reached the living room and at this point my heart was racing. I entered the room Cal trailing close behind with his hand gently on my lower back. My dad looked up an his eyes widened.
"S-Samantha?" He slowly approaches me and I begin to back into Cal.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
I clear my throat and force my voice to go as low as it can before speaking,
"I d-didn't know h-how you'd react."
He pulled me in and hugged me tightly. I hugged back tears welling in my eyes from the pure happiness I felt from his acceptance.
He pulled back and smiled at me wiping the tears off my cheeks before speaking.
"No matter your name, gender, sexuality, job, anything I love you and I will always be your dad okay?"
I nodded.
"Oh and it would be great if I knew our name son." He chuckled lightly.
"Simon." He smiles before starting to walk away.
"Goodnight Simon."
I turn to face Cal who I'd almost forgotten was there. He smiled down at me and brought me into a comforting hug.
"You did it Si. Now you can be you."
I nodded and breathed out.
"Do you wanna stay the night?"
I laughed lightly and we head upstairs to my room. Once we had on our pajamas which consisted of joggers and t-shirts, I laid in bed Cal following soon after. We laid there for about five minutes before Cal spoke.
"Hey Si?"
"I'm just going to say it straight up, I'm gay."
The statement shocked me and I turned to face him.
"Okay." I smiled before slinging an arm around his waist.
He laughed lightly and I turned over so that we were spooning.
"Si I have a question."
I once again turned so that I was facing him.
"Will you be my boyfriend?"
A grin broke out on my face. I had liked Cal for a few months now but had assumed he was straight so I suppressed it. I was lost in thought and realized I hadn't answered. So I just nodded and snuggled into him, and just before I fell asleep I heard him whisper,
"I've always loved you."

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