New Found Love Part 2

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Preston's Pov-
When I finished bandaging his arms I wrapped my own around his waist and pulled him close.
"Please try not to do it anymore. I know it will be hard and if you can't do that for yourself do it for us, because as much as you probably think we're only doing this out of pity we really do care about you Kai. And I can't speak for Lachlan and Simon but I already love you."
He stared at me with wide eyes before a small smile became evident. I cupped his face gently before pulling him in for a kiss. It was short but sweet, the kind that you never want to end. When we pulled away his eyes had a new light to them and he looked happier than he had only moments before.
I smiled lightly at him before we walked back to bed this time with Lachlan and Simon in one bed while Kai and I went to the other. I climbed in and lifted the covers before patting the spot next to me.
He smiled sleepily and climbed in next to me. Once we were comfortable I scooted closer to Kai and put one arm gently over his waist and nuzzled my head into his neck before sighing contently.
He started to shift before turning over an looking at me with a small smile. I grinned at him before giving him a gentle kiss on his cheek.
"I love you."
"I-I l-love you t-too." He manages to stutter out before burying his head in my chest. I laugh breathily before hugging him tightly to me.
"I promise we will always be here for you."
It was silent and I realized that he's fallen asleep with his fist tightly around a bunch of my t-shirt. I carded my fingers through his hair lightly and settled down falling asleep not long after.
-next morning-
I was woken up by Simon frantically poking my sides and Lachlan giggling quietly from their bed. I groaned and grabbed his waist making him tumble on top of Kai and I. He squeaked and looked at me incredulously.
"You started it Si." I state and boop his nose gently.
He crosses his arms and frowns at me. I lightly grab his neck and pull him in for a kiss. He relaxes and wraps me in his arms sighing into my neck making me shudder. I feel Kai start to wake up and look over to see his big green eyes staring tiredly back at me.
"Hey Kitten" I whisper quietly. He blushes furiously.
"Yep you remind me of a kitten." I state softly.
He lowers his gaze and I gently move my hand from Simons neck to his cheek and he smiles lightly up at me.
"Hey aren't you forgetting someone?"
We laugh and scoot over to make room for Lachlan as he slowly makes his way over to us.
He lies down and pulls Kai to him nuzzling his head into his neck and curling around him tightly. I grin and move Simon so that I'm spooning him.
"I love you three more than you'll ever know." Si says softly. Whispers of I love yous were exchanged as we enjoy laying together and relaxing.
-Lachlan's Pov-
The four of us laid in bed contently and soon enough Kai and Simon were asleep. Which finally gave me time to ask a question that I'd had all morning.
"Hey Pressy?"
"Yes Lachy?"
"Why were you and Kai in this bed this morning?"
His small smile faded.
"Well around 3 in the morning I woke up to use the bathroom and found Kai out on the balcony with a razor blade, a-and um h-he was..." He started sobbing. I quickly reached my arm over both sleeping figures and gently wiped away his tears.
"Shh Preston it's ok we're all here for him it'll be okay."
"Lachy you don't understand he has more than Si."
My eyes widen.
"H-how is t-that possible."
"They go past his forearm."
Tears well in my eyes as I look at two of my boyfriends who've suffered so much but all I see is two strong people who I love and I couldn't wait to spend time with them.

A/N I hope you all enjoyed this (even though it's short) and I apologize for being gone so long. Anyhow I'm currently writing the third part which will be up soon!
Bye my lovelies! <33

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